t w e n t y - f o u r

540 10 1

[joy's change]

later that day we had gotten into the tunnels through the library after failing to persuade trudy not to get a therapist.

although now we knew my brother was safe, a large weight was lifted off our shoulders. but no all. senkhara's threat still stood.

"okay, everyone one step forward." fabian began, we all obliged. the spun but none of us were in danger. "amber stay where you are, y/n, two steps forward, alfie and patricia one step forward."


"i know it's a danger square but it's the only way i can get you all across." fabian said sympathetically.

i did as told and took alfie and patricia's hands on the second step, my feet resting on the jackle symbol once more.

they spun again, striating around and stopping as the had done earlier. but the frightening sound of one beginning to spin again could be heard throughout the room.

a blade stood inches from my face as it did to my brother the night before. i panicked and the floor disappeared beneath me, but the two hands holding me up kept me from falling to wherever my older brother was.

fabian yelled in fear briefly before the floor closed up again, allowing me to stand up again. i breathed in relief and turned to thank the two.

i smiled brightly and the two gave me a tight lipped smile back. fabian and i both steadied our breathing and fabian made his next move.

"right." fabian threw his hands up in the air, "let's just get back to the drawing board. retrace your steps."

we did as told once more and walked back towards fabian carefully before leaving the tunnels to strategise, again.

we walked into school the next day, discussing who was going to sneak nina the food and what our next move was.

"i've thought of the perfect person to be out strategist." fabian started.

"who?" amber was exited at the news.

"joy." fabian mumbled, quietly but loud enough that we all heard him clearly.

"joy?" we repeated.

"okay think about it." the boy continued, "she is a brilliant chess player, she spent all of last term playing it against a computer and beating too, i thought we'd bring her in."

"i vote we really don't."

i sighed, i knew we needed anything to help get my brother back. "come on amber, she could be a big help in this."

"but joy's been acting a little crazy lately, and i'm pretty sure she'd checkmate us down the hole on purpose. and eddie would be totally against it."

"well he's not here, and we need joy." i growled, "so i'm making the decision for him, she's in."

"she's not in any immediate danger either, she'd just be calling the shots." fabian added.

"how about mara then? she's smart and she doesn't hate us."

"i mean you said sneaky, how about jerome?" alfie suggested.

"are you crazy?"

"i vote for no one."

"no don't you get it patricia?" fabian growled bitterly, "i cant do this on my own, the stakes are too high, we have to give this out best shot. which means we need joy."

the five of us then walked into history class waiting to see miss valentine at her desk but instead my father was stood at the window.

"what's my dad doing here? i thought we had history." then a lightbulb appeared above my head, "but if he's here it makes this a large thing time for you to sneak food down to my brother."

fabian and amber rushed away while alfie announced, "i just had a brain wave."

"then you better sit down." i laugh, the three of us entering the class.

"we get mara and joy to have a chess off!" was alfie's idea. "to see who's best."

"attention everybody please!" my dad's voice echoed through the room and everyone took their seats. "i have an announcement to make. the school website imaginatively renamed the jackle has been shortlisted for a national student web-blog competition."

"nice one joy." patricia congratulated her friend.

"what about the blogger of the year prize mr sweet?" mara asked.

"well it's going to be announced around the same time." my father answered, "and you'll be pleased to know by the quick thinking of jerome your article has been deemed eligible after all."

mara and jerome smiled at eachother, i sighed deeply earning a weird look from patricia and alfie.

"just tell him." patricia blurted out.

"tell him what?"

"you know exactly what."

"sorry was there a problem with it then?" mara questioned, shaking her head in confusion.

"joy? didn't you tell her?" she shook her head, "there was a power outage just as joy submitted it and she missed the deadline. i rang up the organisers to explain and they were very understanding."

"thank you mr sweet."

"what a suck up." i mumbled, quietly enough so no one heard.

once mr sweet left mara turned to joy and asked yet another question, "why didn't you say?"

"because it isn't true." jerome growled, "there wasn't a power outage, she just didn't submit it. all i wanted was mara to have a fair shot in the competition and now she does."

"why would you do something like that?" mara's voice was rising slowly.

"because for once around here, i wanted something that was just mine." joy retorted, i grinned at her words.

"i second that!" i smiled at her with a nod and everyone turned and looked at me oddly.

she stood up and grinned back at me before turning to the class, "okay haters, the floor's yours."

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