Chapter 26

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This was really the worst day.

The bell has just rang and here I was, insisting myself under the sun while sweeping the trash. I could not bear the heat and even this sweeping. I could not imagine myself on this critical situation. Can someone help me?

"She deserves that, sis." They all laughed then. They were also sweeping but they were not getting bored because they were talking with one another.

Argh! Thea and her friends were supposed to be here but they were wise, really wise. They had already ran away after knowing Mrs. Lampasa was getting near on us.

I must really hate them!

"She ruined her own image. How pitiful she is now."

They were still talking with one another in a loud voice. They meant to do it so that I could hear what they were talking about. Given the fact that I was few meters away from them, their stares on me were so sharp. But I still continued sweeping while my sweats were falling from my forehead.

Gosh! In my entire life I was never requested to report to the office for disciplinary action, not until I got troubled with these girls who were so pathetic for their idols.

While sweeping lazily on the corner, someone's shoes suddenly appeared that I made to hold the broom tightly. When I lifted up my head from bowing down, I saw a guy standing in front of me. His hands were on his both pockets of his pants while smiling.

No way. Why is he here? I must not be mistaken. He's Banjo, the sixth member of the Boylight.

"Do you want me to help you?" He asked after a silence in a while. "Give me that broom, now."

"Why would I? You should better go to your room. It's for our punishment, not yours," I answered. He smirked then looked around.

"Do you really know how to sweep? There are still remaining trashes there," he pointed out the other direction and he's right, there were dried leaves and canned drinks.

"Yes, I know. Why are you here then, anyway? Did you ditch from your class? What reason are you here for?"

"Let's say, I'm here for an easier way of your next trap," he said that made me surprised. Did he really say those words just now? "Oh, why? Can't you believe?"

"What are you talking about?" I acted as if innocent. No way he could say those words, my whole plan would get failed.

"Don't act like you don't know at all. Admit it, Alesha, I'll be your next victim. And here I am, presenting myself," he uttered those words while smiling still. Argh! I can't get this guy what he really wanted to happen.

I heaved a sigh and stopped sweeping. I faced on him with all my courage.

"Can't you see? I'm busily sweeping. I can't finish this right away because of you!"

"Oh come on, Alesha, deny it more. Your eyes are telling me to give in. Why would we take it long if we can do now?"

"What do you really want to happen?" I asked him frankly. He smirked again and got to move closer to me. Oh no, I don't like the way how he stared at me. Very malicious.

"Take me now. I can be your boyfriend without seducing me."

"What?!" I acted very shocked, but deep inside of me I was amazed of his wit. Did he really think I could take them all in my trap each one by one? He's actually right, he would be the next one to get fallen on my trap.

"Hey! What are you doing?"

He held my hand all of a sudden and he threw the broom away. "Come on, take me wherever you want me to place in."

"Are you crazy?!"

He just laughed instead of answering me. The pathetic girls got panicked when Banjo grabbed me like getting me as his own. He guided the way as we both stepped ahead somewhere. At the back of my mind, this guy really impressed me very well. He must be smart!

"Hey, can you answer me? Where the hell you would take me go?"

"If you don't want to take me somewhere, I will take you then!" He said as he tried to guide me by grabbing my hand. The hallway was so quiet because the classes were going on. But the moment as we passed by each room, the students abruptly got out and yelled.

"Oh no! My poor Banjo!"

"Get inside! Now!" Shouted by their teacher.

"Alesha really stands for being a heartbreaker!"

"Whoa! How could I get a guy so easy?"

I realized I was already catching my breath when we both stopped running. He took me behind the library which was full of grasses on the front side. The place was windy. He voluntarily let go of my hand so I got to lean on the wall in order for me to rest for a while. I didn't know how we reached this far. Banjo was really a magician, isn't he?

"Did you hear them a while ago?" He asked in the midst of silence while he was exhaustedly panting. "They thought, you really took me to somewhere because you already got me. They pity on me then. Funny, right?"

"What's funny about it?" I asked him back. "You disturbed me when I should have about to be done in sweeping earlier."

"I can take you back there, but I can't assure you could really get me into your trap if it's not out of my will. I'm telling you now so that you will know."

"Fine. You got really cornered me," I commented that made him laughed. "So, what do you want to happen then?"

We both looked each other while our sweats were still rolling down our faces. It took him for a while before he was able to speak.

"Do anything I can fall in love with you. If I am already falling on your trap, then break my heart."

I got to smirk what he said.

"That's the pattern, right? It's somewhat like a falling game and breaking heart afterwards. You would make sure that at the end of your trap, you would cause pain on us."

"Should I clap for you?" Really, I was impressed by him. He chuckled a bit then looked at me again. "You really got my plan. So whatever we do here, you already knew its end."

He plainly smiled. "That's the way how it works, isn't it?"

"So tell me, why are you doing this?" I asked which he got to stare at me seriously. "Why are you making this trap easier?"

He looked away and bowed for a while. The turns of wind got changed because of his aura. I don't know what's wrong.

"Should not I ask about it?" Asking him again, he forced himself to look at me for a while.

"I'm doing this because I have a favor from you," he uttered in a low tone of voice.

"Tell me what it is."

He took a deep breath and looked at me with something important to say.

"Please, don't involve Denzel as your next victim after me. He is our youngest member, five months have passed when he became the last official Boylight. Among of them, he is my closest friend and I owe so much from him. By that, I could not bear seeing him handling the pain."

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