Chapter 52

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The moment my consciousness gets back, I start to feel ache on my head. I feel like my head is about to crack and my brain will explode any moment from now, but no, it's just an overacting thought. But really, I could feel my head is aching, maybe I'm not feeling well, so I forcibly open my eyes and quickly touch my head, hoping to minimize its pain.

Gosh, why is my head aching that hard?

But wait, who's this person--oh my gosh! Why is he here with me? Did we really sleep together? For real?!

Hurriedly, I push Denzel to other direction of my bed when I found myself then so near to him that my right leg is already on his lap. My goodness! I can't bear to look myself in that position. But this guy is still in deep sleep, snoring and has no idea I pushed him away that he got almost fell.

I'm thinking right now if how could possibly this guy be here in my room, but when I realize that my aching head is due to hangover, I feel relieved already. I just want then to know if how we got back home and figure out what happened before we left that bar, but right now I wanted to sleep again.

So I close my eyes and breathe deeply.

"Good morning, my future girlfriend!" I'm already falling asleep when I hear those words out of my expectation. Due to the sudden disturbance, I forcibly open my eyes  again to see if I heard it right from him, and there I see Denzel whose face is already close to mine while his smiling lips are already apparent. "Have you slep well?"

In a quick movement of my body a little bit from him, I ask him right away. "Tell me how it ended up like this."

"What are you talking about? Aren't you happy that you see me right here, right now?"

"That's what I'm curious about. Now tell me," I respond directly.

"You invited me to sleep here last night, don't you remember?" He utters as he controls himself not to laugh.

"Did I?"

"Yes you did. You forced me to sleep with you because you said you want to sleep with me."

I'm about to cuss but good thing I'm able to control my mouth not to do so. It's really his fault! Right now I look at him closely to figure out if he's really telling me the truth.

"Do you think I'm just making up story?"

"Were not you drunk last night? How could you still remember what I've said to you?"

"You never noticed that after one beer, I intendedly not to drink the next one so that I would not be totally drunk," he answers as he starts to laugh a bit.

"And why did you do that huh?"

"So that I could guide you. I could fetch you home safely. I don't want to be drunk at the same time you were, too. How were we then if we're both drunk?"

"Fine," I finally give up by saying it. "You can already leave me here. You can go now to your room."

"What if I would not?"

"Are you really pissing me off?" I ask him frankly, with my one eyebrow already lifted.

He pouts his lips like a child who gets sulked. "I wanted to sleep here again with you. Just this now, Alesha. Please?"

"Why would I let you do that then? You have your own room. Now, go back."

He moves closer to me so when I'm about to move abruptly from him, I realize I'm already at the edge of my bed, good thing he hurriedly reaches me out through his hand before I got almost fell.

"Why are you moving a bit from me? I'm not going to harass you, okay?"

"There's no wrong of securing myself, most especially we're in the same room," I honestly respond.

"Oh well, the only thing I can do for now is to hug you here on bed. Could you let me do that to you, please?"

"Don't you dare do that! I will really kick your forbidden part!"

"You are not a considerate one haha. That's only a hug I'm asking for," he says with a sulking tone of his voice already.

"I don't care," I reply, then I already get up from my bed and get out from my room. I leave him inside the room while he's shouting my name to really insist his want.

Few steps I'm going to take yet before I could be able to go downstairs when there's a sudden hug I feel at my back. He hugs me so tight that his breath on my neck suddenly I could feel from him.

"Hey, let go of me."

"I won't. No one could do this to you except me," these words he says like he's owning me already. Words that feel like I'm wanting to hear it again and again. But no, I should not be carried away by his hug.

"Let go of me now, Denzel. I'm dead serious."

"Well, I'm sorry to disturb you like this. But I'm already fine that I'm able to hug you today."

"You're so corny. You know what, you better yet cook noodles for our breakfast. I'm already hungry." I say, just to change the topic. I don't know with this guy but he's acting like he's already my boyfriend.

"No worries, I will really cook for you. Noodles with egg, have you already tasted it?" He asks, then he winks at me afterwards.

As my response, I just glare at him which causes him to burst into laughter.

By nine in the morning, we finished already eating our breakfast and taking a bath. I could still feel the hangover and so I rest for a while on the sofa while he's watching TV. I'd like to talk with Yves about how St. Jude is like now, but unfortunately he is not in his room at this moment, maybe he has gone somewhere very early in the morning.

"Alesha, get up. It's already ten."

"And so?"

"Do you really know what day is today?"

I lately realize it's Sunday, so we are wearing right now our formal attire for us to go to church. He is the one who invites me to church and I can't refuse him in that matter because it's been months already that I've never been visited to church again.

Last year, I remember, it was the last time that my whole family went to the church including me. I had no problem in terms of my style in dressing because wearing a formal was my thing. And so I do it today.

During the mass, while we're both kneeling down on our knees, I pray to God that He will help me fix myself. I know I can't do this all by myself. Deep inside of me, I wanted to make things right. Up until now, I'm still struggling most especially to my addictions that I'm praying that this guy beside me will be used by He for me.

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