Chapter 3

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"Why don't you go pick him up? Why I'm the one who needs to be there?!" The younger man whines, putting his mug on the kitchen counter

"Please bud, I need to work on a lot of things here at home, you promised that you would pick her up from school, why don't you go pick him up too?" The older man looks deep in his son's eyes

"I've hurt him, dad...He'll refuse to come with me" The younger sighs, looking at his own hands

"I'm sure he won't refuse..." The older puts his hand on his son's shoulder, who looked confuse to his father "...they brainwashed him, he won't remember what you did"

"What should I take there...?" Alex whispers to the plush infront of him, he had an open backpack infront of him, the toy slowly tilts his head "uhm, let's see..." He whispers to himself, looking around

"I recommend some spare clothes!" A girl's voice ecoed through the room, making the boy freeze "What's wrong, 'Freckles'?" A black haired girl looks at him, she was upside down in the air, staring deep in his eyes, he felt something inside him snap, the girl was too familiar

"Cassie...?" Alex's expression softened, his heart started beating faster, he couldn't focus on anything else but his childhood friend "...What happened to you? Why are you floating?"

"It's a really long story..." She turns upside up "...I came to help you get ready, so stop staring at me like a weirdo and let's get started!" She squeaks, jumping from excitement

"Yeah! Let's start packing up!" The boy gets back to reality, squeaking with his friend before getting up and putting clothes, underwears and other thing he'll need there
Honestly, most of the time they were singing, jumping and messing with each other, like they were always that close, not that they weren't like that when little

"Alex! Sweetie, come say goodbye!" The woman yells from the first floor, making the blond gasp, it was almost time!

"Coming!" He yells back, looking at the black haired girl with hope in his eyes

"See you in Hurricane, Freckles!" She winks at him, soon disappearing, the boy smiles widely, getting up and running downstairs

"Night Mom! Night Dad!" The boy hugs tightly his parents, he surely would miss the two and probably they would too
He had planned on staying a week with his biological father, of course, if he wanted the man to, he didn't tell his parents about his planning, but it would be worth it

"Goodnight, sweetheart! We may come back a little sooner today, alright?" She hugs him tightly, who nods, waving as she leaves

Once all alone, Alex runs upstairs, his adrenaline rising at every step, inside his room, he sits down infront of the plush, waiting patiently for it's awnser
At the other side, the man sighs, holding back his tears, as he prepares himself to guide his boy back to his arms, a tall blue haired woman stops beside her husband, putting her hand on his shoulder and watching her child on the screen

"How much he growned..." She sighs, leaning her head against her lover's, which kisses the side of her head, holding her hand

"I know...sadly we weren't there for him" He whimpers, letting his tears fall

"We did what we could, now..." She wipes his tears and kiss his nose "...compose yourself and bring our little boy back, I know you can do it, alright?" The man nod, kissing her lips before she leaves the room

"Okay..." He sighs, trying to concentrate on his task "Focus, William! You need to give him the right directions, then hope he trusts Michael to drive him here" William wipes the rest of his tears, getting ready to turn the microphone on
"Ready, kid?" He high-pitched his voice

The boy squeaks from excitement, getting his backpack and putting on his back

"Ready as I'll ever be!" Alex smiles even wildly, until he remembers something "My pills...I think I'll need to take those with me two!"

"Your...pills?" The man tilts his head, his eyes filling with worry

"Yeah, My mom is a psychiatrist and my dad is a pharmaceutical..." The blond gets the plush and puts it on his shoulders "I was diagnosed with schizophrenia right after I got adopted by them, dad said my biological parents unlocked it when they gave me this scar" He explains going in the kitchen, getting the black bottle and shoving it inside his backpack

"Oh..." William felt rage filling his heart, he had discovered how they erased his child's memory, luckly his brother is a chemist and he could find out what those pills were made of "Well, let's not focus on your talented and lovely adoptive parents and get going to meet your real father, alright?" He sarcastically says, emphasizing himself

"Yeah! Let's get going!" The blond jumps happily, walking over to the back door and getting out of the house

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