Chapter 4

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"Mr.plush...?" Alex starts, looking around as he walks in the forest, it's been half an hour since they left the house "Are you sure this way will lead me to my biological father...?" He stutters, starting to tremble

"Well, it won't lead to your father, Yet! Your big brother will drive you there" William rests his head on his hand "He lives quite far from here"

"Oh..." He stutters, considering on going back home and not meet him at all, the bush on his side ruffled, making his freeze in place "What was that...?"

A huge yellow bear stepped closer, roaring as the blond screams in terror and cries for his life, he let his backpack fall to the ground, the beast raises it's clawns, ready to attack the poor boy, but before he could do much damage, someone hitted him with a dead branch, making the bear barely miss the child, who gets his left shoulder scratched a little deep and thrown to the floor, the plush flying with the impact
The beast slowly backs away as a black haired man swings the branch infront of him, scaring his enemy away

"That's right! Stay away from us, you bloody fake!" The man screams, throwing his weapon to the ground, soon looking to Alex, who was agonizing on the ground, sobbing in pain "Hey, bud...oh God! That's deep!" He runs to his sibling, analyzing the cut

"You're my...?" The younger stutters, as he's lifted into the older's lap

"Yup! I'm your big brother..." The older gets the backpack, putting it over his shoulder, not forgetting to get the plush, and heading towards a purple car, who was not so far from where the attack happened "You were lucky I was close to you, young man!" The man puts Alex on the passager seat, his feet dangling out of the car and his right arm around the toy "let's get your cut clean and bandaged up, alright?" The boy nods, earning a smile from his sibling

"So..." The blond starts, watching the older get a medical kit from the floor of the passager and start cleaning the cut "What's your name?"

"Michael Afton, but you can call me whatever you want" Michael gets the bandages and starts wrapping the cut

"I'm Alexander-" He got interrupted by the older finishing and looking deep into his eyes

"I know..." The man whispers, putting his hand on his sibling's cheek and soon sighing "you don't know how much me, our mom, our dad and our sister missed you"

"I have a sister?!" Alex squeaks, smiling with bright eyes, he always wanted a sister! Someone to talk when you're feeling sad and to cuddle when nightmares came

Michael looks in shocked at his little brother, he knew he got brainwashed, but seeing him like that was, he looked so pure and happy without a reason

"Yeah, you do..." The older smiles, getting up and stretching up "oh god! I don't remember you being so heavy like that!"

"meanie!" The younger playfully pouts, pressing the plush against his body, making the man chuckle, pinching his nose

"Alright, let's get going!" Michael closes the door, only after Alex has his legs inside, and walks up to the driver's seat "or else the drama queen will kick my ass for being late to her beauty sleep!" He turns the car on, starting to pull to the street

"Who's the drama queen?" The blond asks, right as they reach the main road, that goes off the city, earning a chuckle from the older

"Our sister Elizabeth" The man eyed him, still not believing his brother was right there at his side

"Elizabeth..." Alex muttered, the name was really familiar to him, he just wasn't sure from where "'s a beautiful name"

"If she hears that, oh boy!" Michael laughs, getting a glare from his younger brother

"Don't be like that! Your's is beautiful too! I would give your name to my child..." The blond states, whispering the last part to himself

"I-i...that's not what I meant, but thanks!" The older brother stutters, focusing on the street. An awlkward atmosphere raised inside the car, both sibling quietly fidgeted with their fingers or giving soft pats on the steering wheel "So, you like rock? I've got a playlist full of it" Michael looks at Alex for some seconds, smiling slightly at him

"Huh? Yeah, I do" The blond smiles back, pressing his plush closer to his body, yawlning a little

"Thank goodness, everything is going just as planned" William sighs, leaning on his chair, he wasn't able to see how much his boy was hurt, apparently it wasn't bad "Oh, how much I want to hug and kiss you" He felt his eyes fill with tears

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