A Couple of Tags

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This time, I was tagged by the amazing Beatlemaniac101. Thank you, friend!

 Thank you, friend!

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1. Don't have one

2. Don't have one

3. Linda McCartney

4. Umm, Heather Mills?

5. AmandaSchaefer709

Now the next one!

Now the next one!

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1. Beatlemaniac101, AmandaSchaefer709, Kaitlin_W1212, colorfulmu, Sam-a-lama-ding-dong, JustAPotatwa, _Ringo_Starr_, and if I'm forgetting anyone, cane me!

2. Umm, either Cry Baby Cry or Martha My Dear, Where Have You Gone?

3. Gilligan's Island

4. The Beatles! (That's the question, right? XD)

5. The Beatles, Paul McCartney, music, writing, animals, sometimes drawing, soft blankets, mashed potatoes, pizza, summer vacation, and a lot of other things. XD

6. People who don't listen or understand me, piano recitals, really cold weather, breakfast, and fake or demanding people.

7. Don't have one.

8. Boy-Paul, James, John, etc.
Girl-Melody, Adelaide, Riley

9. 7, I suppose.

10. Ehh, I don't really know.

11. Pretty much any Beatles/Paul McCartney song. XD

12. That is so hard!! You can see my reading list for a few of my favorites, but, other than those, I like books by Beatlemaniac101, AmandaSchaefer709, NJ2001, DoctorLennon007, BohemianBrunette, Kaitlin_W1212, and many others! I guess I don't have a specific favorite, though. I love a lot of them!

If I didn't tag you, that doesn't mean you can't do it. Anyone who wants to do any of these tags are always welcome!

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