Chapter One

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"Mommy, why do you always hide when its' broad day?  Are you scared of People?" asked a dirty boy with bright glowing eyes, and a pale woman with long limbs and even longer body, clothed all in black, replied in a sad haunting tune: "Not the People, but their Judgement I fear, Childe. Humans hate all those they cannot understand, at least until it is night. When the Moon wakes up, so does their Lust for the Macabre." Dutiful the boy nodded towards his Mother and took her hand. "Is that why you don't allow me to go out of your sight? Because you fear for them to take me away?"
The pale woman pulled him along, and they walked side by side through the forest that surrounded their Circus camp, and as they were far enough away, she spoke. "It's the others I fear will one day devour you, my poor Boy. Don't leave my side, and don't follow the Little Man in the strange robes, for they may feast of the rotten, but don't mind taking a child as well. People you see at day, are not the same at night, and nothing is as it seems. Please, my dear Clint, don't let the Monsters get you. trust only yourself and your Instincts. When your Guts tell you that there is something wrong, trust it."
"Yes, Mommy. I love you."
"I Love you too, my Son. And all shall see, that I would terminate all that dare to hurt you."
"You are so strange, Mommy!" laughed Clint, and the pale woman smiled, revealing her sharp rows of fangs. "And you are too pure, my Babyboy. Too pure for this World so dark."

As the light of the moon tickled his nose, Clint Barton awoke, smiling fondly of the Memory he had dreamed of. Mom, his Mother, the Woman that had raised him. He loved her so much.
You even could say, he was a Mommaboy.

With a tump, he jumped out of his bed in the Avengers Tower, and sat at the window, drinking his cup of cold coffee from the Day prior. It was three in the morning, far too early for a late bird like him,  and the taping on another window made him jumpy: It was a raven, high up, with Saphire eyes and a Letter in its heavy black beak, the red wax seal of the circus he had grown up in clearly to be seen. Amazed and filled with Joy, he called for J.A.R.V.I.S. to let the Bird in, and as it rushed inside of his room, the letter was dropped onto Clint's head and the Raven flew right back out again.
The Letter had been written by Carmilla A. Barbossa, his Mother, and he ripped the Envelope open,  to read what she had written, after all this time being lost.


Dearest Childe of mine, 
I have finally returned, as the show must go on, and wish to see you soon, with your heirs and Wife. However, do not forget what I have told you:
Nothing is as it seems, and horrible things are about to happen, things I cannot stop from occurring.
Our show is filled with Monsters that roam at night, and as you are a Hero now, you need to be careful and watch out that your children won't go with the Little Men. Their Hunger has grown, and so has our new Masters' wrath: The Old Yang has been killed three years ago.
Be careful and alert, for death is what our crew brings, and I don't wish for you to suffer from Loss.
With Love and Concern, 
Your Mother

Countess Carmilla Antoinette Barbossa
Acrobat and Mahr/Nachtmahr


His mother, always so formal. But her warnings are never without Cause: The Manhunt has begun again, and he needed to bring his family to her so they can get marked, otherwise, the Dark Ones will devour them to spite him, a hero. On top of that, their camp was only a few miles from his home, so the map said that formed itself from the ink of the Letter.

So he called his wife, knowing that she may be pissed, but he could not help himself.
"laura, listen! You need to stay calm and take all Iron Horseshoes we have and hang them over our windows and doors. Mother is back, and the Manhunt has begun.

Now, his wife was wide awake, cursing. "Jesus Fucking Christ, How close is the location of the Show????"

 "Three Miles from our Home. I will take Mothers Amulet to come home, don't open the door unless I have said a password."

"What password???" came it rushed from Laura, and he could hear her hanging up the Iron, mumbling prayers and holy chants that prevented the dark ones from entering.

"Our Wedding Date."

"But you always forget our Anniversary!"

Clint smirked a lopsided grin. "That's right. But the dark ones know it, so it makes far more sense. also. take all salt you can find and throw it at all windows, doors, and other openings like the fireplace. Mother will come to help us for sure, till then, Be ready!"

And as he hung off, he pulled out his Amulett from beneath his shirt and kissed the ivory Ravenskull. "Corbeau de la marée, oiseau de la tempête, conduis-moi chez moi où la guerre m'appelle. (Raven of the tide, bird of the storm, take me home where war calls me)

With a crack of Lightning, Hawkeye was gone, and a black feather laid there where he had been standing only moments prior.

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