Chapter Two

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As Clint appeared at the door, he found a Doupleganger of his already standing there, and so he took his knife and slit the Skinwalkers' throat.
"Laura? It's me, Let me in. I killed the fake-Me."

"Password!" Came it barked from the other side of the door, and Clint scratched his neck. "Sorry, Hun, I really am bad at remembering our Anniversary."
A Pause, then the door, opened slightly, to reveal his pregnant wife, the two little ones behind her. "Prove that you are really MY Husband!"

With a sigh, annoyed and relieved that his Wife was so badass if needed, Clint grabbed the iron horseshoe she held in her hand, and as nothing happened, she pulled him inside and closed the door shut right away, then barricaded it with chairs, and Rosemary. Clint helped to move the Table, and salt was thrown everywhere, so that the Bartons were glad, that they had so much hidden in their Cupboard, for even this situation.
After all, Both believed in the little folks and elves, and their less friendly cousins Goblins, giants and other Creatures of the Night. Trolls were harmless, as long as you kept them fed with Honey, Cream or Sugar, and Berries: the Other Kin are all Sweet tooths and love these.

With this Knowledge, the Bartons have become one of few Families that are loved by the fae, enough to even look out for them themselves, so it was not rare that a Barton got visited by a fairy or pixie when he had gotten sick.

But do not think that Laura had always been like this: In the beginning, she had found Clint's strange habits (bringing out a bowl of cream, the hiding of some left socks in tree holes 'For Trolls', kissing his amulet, etc.) pretty amusing and childish. However, after she had found herself awakening as a few especially naughty faeries tying and knotting her hair on the Bedposts at night, she began to believe him and took over parts of his routine too. Even read a bit about Witchery and Wiccans, to get better along with the otherkin.
Now, she was one of their favorite people.

"Love, what should we do now? You can't just take a few weeks off, Fury will notice! The Avengers, even S.H.I.E.L.D. will notice! They would come and try to fetch them and cage them, you know how people are!" meant Laura, her voice quivering in tension, and Clint rubbed her back and kissed her temple then pulled his little family into his arms. "We will have to wait until the sun rises, then they will go back to their camps, and I will follow them. Since I am marked by Mother, they won't dare to touch me, but you have no mark yourself, so stay put, just to make sure. Trust no one, Not even me no matter how battered the 'me' may look that wants to get in, don't open the door.
Now let's wait. When the first ray of the sun hits the leaves of the trees, I will go and follow them. It's time you meet my Mother anyway."

"I just would have wished it would have been under better circumstances."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2020 ⏰

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