A Fiery Battle

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"Come on Cin! Time to take on the Fighting type Gym Leader, Bea!"
My Cinderace chirped happily and ran to my side. She nuzzled up against me and held a paw up for a fist bump. I accepted it and smiled at the fire rabbit. I had entered the Gym Challenge a while ago, and had been dying to meet the Fighting type Gym Leader, who had been my idol ever since I knew how to walk. I headed towards the gym, but was stopped by one of the League Staff members. "If you want to fight Bea, you will have to wait until tomorrow. She hasn't been feeling well lately, and Allister is taking her place for today." I started to feel concerned. "Is she... alright?" I asked him. "Nothing too serious. Just a sore throat and a cough. Still, we try to put the safety of our Gym Challengers and staff first. If you want to visit her, that's her house, over there," he said, nodding at a house that literally had been put to ruins. 
I took a deep breath and walked towards the house. I knocked on her door, and she answered, looking sleepy. "Hi, Bea," I said. She looked surprised. "H-hey," she said. "Sorry I haven't been at the gym today. I woke up with a fever this morning. I-I'll battle you tomorrow, if you want." I nodded. She started to leave. "Wait, Bea," I said. "Y-yeah?" She turned around and looked at me. "Do you... need anything?" I asked her. "No, I-I'm good," she said. "Alright. Just wanted to make sure." I turned around and left.

Bea's POV
I woke up the next morning feeling a little better, but my throat was still a little bit sore. I got ready to go to the gym. On my way there, something hit me in the arm. It stung so badly that I wanted to cry out. I looked up and saw a Cinderace glaring at me intimidatingly, kicking a flaming pebble. I looked at my arm and saw a bright red, blistering burn running all the way up my forearm. I felt my face heat up in anger. Without thinking, I grabbed one of the Poké Balls on my belt and sent out my Machamp. The Cinderace kicked the flaming pebbles towards all the Pokémon I sent out, knocking them out easily. Then it struck me with a Pyro Ball. I heard myself cry out as the world around me went dark...
I woke up in a warm bed. My throat and head still ached, and my cough was back. The room I was in was dark. I tried to sit up, but as soon as I placed my hand on the mattress to push myself into a sitting position, my arm started burning in pain. I lifted it above the blanket and saw that it had been wrapped in a thin bandage. The door opened, and a young, familiar-looking girl about my age stepped in. She looked exactly like me. I stared at her for a while before I realized she was the one who had visited me while I was sick.

The Passionate Fighter: How Bea Met Her Twin SisterDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora