Reviving Words

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Bea's POV
I stared at the sheet of paper, fear starting to rise in me. "W-what is that?" I asked Faith. She looked at me with the same fear in her eyes. "You're bleeding internally. And it looks bad," she said. "That's why you're in so much pain."
I didn't know what to say. I had expected a small internal injury. But this one looked huge. Suddenly, I felt very dizzy. The world spun around me. Too tired to do anything, to stand, to speak, I passed out.
When I woke up, I was in a hospital bed. My arm connected to several tubes in the wall. My head ached, and I still felt a little dizzy. My side started hurting again. I looked around for my sister but saw that I was alone.
I heard muffled talking outside my hospital room. A few moments later, my sister walked into the room. "Oh, good, she's awake." She turned to me. "Mornin', sunshine." I smiled weakly at her. "So, what happened to me out in the MRI room?"
My sister sighed and said, "Well, you haven't eaten anything for a whole day. You had a severe internal bleeding and a really bad infection following it. So bad, in fact, that they're about to perform surgery on you. I think we have about an hour to talk." My eyes widened. "Sis... I-I'm scared-"
My sister nodded in understanding. "I know, Bea. But you could die if they don't do this. I'm scared too." I gulped and nodded. "Okay. I'll do the surgery." She smiled at me and touched my cheek. "That's my strong, brave lil' Bea."
After an hour, the doctor came to retrieve me from my hospital room. Faith and I clutched each other's hands until they finally broke us apart. Tears filling my eyes, I looked up, already starting to feel sleepy from the anesthesia.
We rushed into the operating room. I was starting to become unaware of what was going on around me. The lights shining brightly, masked faces hovering over me as I passed out...
When I woke up, I was in a dark room. I felt unusually scared and depressed, and I started crying. I remained like this for a while until the door opened. The lights turned on, and my sister walked in, smiling. When she saw my tear-streaked face, her expression change to worry. "What's wrong? Are you in a lot of pain?" She came over to me and touched my face. I forced a weak smile and said, "No, I was just afraid that I was all alone in here." She smiled again. "Oh, I get it. I was the same way when I had my first operation. You'll feel better in no time." Then her eyes softened, filled with tears, and she whispered, "Stay strong forever, Bea."
It was those four words that astonished me. That moved my heart and soul, and caused my eyes to fill with tears as well. But these words are what encouraged me to do so:
"Stay strong forever."

The Passionate Fighter: How Bea Met Her Twin SisterWhere stories live. Discover now