Staying Strong

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Bea's POV
I woke up still feeling very sick. I was starting to get annoyed. I had just gotten out of surgery, so why didn't I feel better? It was very confusing, how the body worked. My sister came in and sat down on my bed. "Hey there, sunshine," she said with a smile on her face. "How are you feeling?" I smiled back at her. "Not too great," I admitted. She looked into my eyes and reached up to touch my cheek. "Well, you're a little cooler. That means that you're getting better," she said. "Are you still in pain?" I nodded. "A little bit. But not as much as before the surgery." She smiled again. "That's good. Just ask if you need anything. I'll stay here with you," she said.
Suddenly, the Poké Ball in her hand flared to life. I winced, expecting Cinderace to pop out and attack me, but it was only a.. a Scorbunny?
Faith smiled and said, "Here. I found a Scorbunny laying on the road. It was injured, but I took it to the Pokémon Center. I hope you two can become great friends." She handed me the Poké Ball. Scorbunny jumped up onto the bed and nuzzled against me. I smiled and hugged the fire bunny. It felt slightly warm and nice to hug. It made a little squeaking noise and my heart melted.
Suddenly, Cinderace popped out of her Poké Ball. She looked a little angry, but when she saw the Scorbunny in my arms, her gaze softened. She chirped and hopped up onto the bed as well. I was surprised.
I reached forward slowly to try and pet Cinderace. She flinched a little, but after I kept my hand still for a while, she closed her eyes. Then she snapped at me. I jerked my hand back, surprised, but I kinda expected it by now.
Scorbunny and Cinderace started playing after a while. They had a little battle. It was kinda cute, actually. I smiled at the two fire rabbits as I watched them play. Cinderace let Scorbunny win, which was actually really sweet of her.
But the problem was that she still didn't trust me or like me. She had stopped attacking me randomly, but if I tried to approach her or pet her, she would growl at me, her ears would flatten against her head, and she would sometimes attack me.
When I got out of the hospital, I felt a lot better than before. I told my sister that we could battle. We walked in, my sister completed the Gym Mission, and we were ready to battle.
We greeted each other, and the battle started. My sister had an amazing team that knocked out my Pokémon with one hit. When the battle neared its end, she Dynamaxed her Cinderace, and I Gigantamaxed my Machamp. Still, I was defeated with one hit.
I walked up to my sister, smiling. Forgetting that Cinderace was still out of her Poké Ball.
"Thank you for the battle-" I started to say, right as Cinderace's Pyro Ball struck my arm.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2020 ⏰

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