Burning Passion

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Faith's POV
I turned the light on and saw Bea blink. "Ah, you're awake," I said. "And might I add, I'm so sorry about Cinderace attacking you. She... doesn't like Gym Leaders."
Bea looked surprised. "Wait. That was your Cinderace that attacked me?" She looked unwell, tired, sick, and injured. I lowered my head in shame. "Yes. I sincerely apologize for that. I've already talked to Cinderace about it. She has a habit of attacking the Gym Leaders. But she caught you off guard, and that's why she hit you." Bea's eyes softened. "Oh, it's fine. I've had other Pokémon attack me for the same reason. They just hadn't hit me yet," she said. "Why doesn't she like Gym Leaders?"
"Ah, well," I said. "She... gets jealous of them. She thinks I like them more than I like her."
Bea nodded in understanding. I smiled at her, feeling a little shy. "Anyways, my name is Faith. I am one of the Gym Challengers. I am the one who came to check up on you when you were sick."
"Yeah, I know," Bea said. "Thank you for doing that, by the way. Nobody really cares about me anymore."
I was shocked. "I do. How can people not care, anyways? You're... Bea. You're our Gym Leader!"
I couldn't mistake the sadness I saw in Bea's eyes. She looked down and said, "My parents didn't care. They only wanted a perfect daughter that could take over the role as Gym Leader. Every day, they would push me harder and harder to train. Sometimes I even sprained my ankle or my wrist. But they still made me fight." Bea had tears in her eyes, and she gave a small hiccup. I looked at her with sympathy, and then wrapped my arms around her. She started crying, wrapping her arms around me, sobbing into my shoulder.
My mom came into the room, smiling brightly at Bea. "Hello, Bea. I would like to discuss something with you and my daughter." She sat down on the bed. "I'm sorry I haven't told you this, Faith, but Bea is your sister."
I gasped and looked over at Bea. Her mouth was open in a mix of happiness and shock. "But... Bea has parents..."
My mom smiled. "Yes. I'm sorry about that. We couldn't take more than one child at the time. So your parents actually adopted you from us," she said to Bea. Bea was in shock, but she was smiling. "S-so... me and Faith are twins...?"
My mom looked sad, and she looked at Bea with gentle eyes. "Yes, sweetie. You guys are twins."
I gasped, feeling a small smile light up my face. "Oh my gosh! I..." I said, not knowing what to say. I turned to Bea and hugged her tightly. "You're my sister! I always wanted you to be. And now you are." I felt her hugging me back. She had started crying, but they were happy tears.
Cinderace popped out of her Poké Ball and started chirping with rage. Glaring at Bea, she jumped forward and landed a Double Kick to her side. Bea cried out, falling to the floor. I jumped up. "Cinderace! That's no way to treat a Gym Leader! Now you stay put and don't hurt her any more!" Cinderace pouted. I ran to Bea's side. "Are you okay, Bea?" I asked her. Bea nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine," she said. Helping Bea get up, I noticed the ugly bruise that Cinderace had left in Bea's side. "Oh, my gosh, that looks really bad. We should probably get it checked out to make sure that there's no internal bleeding," I said. Bea winced in pain as her hand ran over the bruise.

The Passionate Fighter: How Bea Met Her Twin SisterWhere stories live. Discover now