Chapter 2

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I woke up in a different room than I normally do. I squint at the brightness, and slowly blink my eyes open. I'm in the hospital.

"Kasey, oh thank god!"

I'm suddenly smothered against my big brother, his shoulder suffocating me. The twins and our little sister wait expectantly in the doorway, and they rush over when they see that I'm awake.

"Kasey what happened?" Gemma asks frantically, gripping one of my hands.

"I don't know what you were trying to do but your car is totalled," Duke says, stifling his laughter. Of course something like this would be entertaining to those two morons.

"Kase, what happened?" Louie repeats Gemma's question, holding on to my other hand.

"I- I don't know, I saw something and then all of the sudden I was off the road and then I was wrecked," I tell him all I remember.

A nurse enters the room with a warm smile to greet us, "Hi guys, I'm Melissa. How are you feeling, Kasey?"

It occurred to me that I felt fine. Actually, better. Way better than usual. I throw the blankets back to reveal my legs. My right leg felt like nothing had happened. Not a scratch, I think as I run my hand down my leg.

"My leg... I swear it was pinned. It hurt so much..." I say, baffled by my condition.

"How does it feel now?" She asks, and gently presses on my calf.

"Never better," I say, but I still couldn't believe it. I swear it had been broken.

Melissa continues to give me a full check up, checking my eyes, blood pressure, and ending with x-rays. This nurse was easy to talk to, and she was very kind.

By this time my siblings had left so they'd be out of the way. Melissa kept up conversation as she finished up the last of my x-rays.

"Are you still in high school, Kasey?" She asks me, staring at a computer screen in a little office off to the side.

"Yeah. I was actually coming home from detention before I wrecked last night," I tell her, holding as still as I could. I could hear the noises the x-ray machine was making. I note to myself that

"That's funny, so was my son. Him and his little buddy had detention for the history teacher," she says, but she didn't sound amused. Melissa must be Scott's mom.

There was a light knock on the door, and it cracked open to reveal the sheriff. I made sure my hospital gown was covering all of me.

"Kasey Hera?"

"That's me," I say, ready for the questioning. I tell him all I remembered, all that I told my family. Except I remembered the one small detail.

"I think it may have been an animal... that caused me to crash," I explain slowly, configuring the words as I went. "I saw it in the road. Well, I saw it's eyes. The were like a vibrant red. And then I saw them again right before I passed out."

The sheriff glanced at Melissa. I notice that the sheriff's name tag said Stilinski. Hm. Small world.

"Alright," Sheriff Stilinkski says, and asks a different question. "How are you feeling? Come out okay?"

"Yeah, actually I feel great," I say, trusting the cop more than I trusted people at school. So far everyone I've encountered since I've woken up has given me a safe feeling. That was only these two and my family though of course.

It was a little while later that I finally got to put my own clothes back on and leave with my siblings. The car ride home was silent except for the twins snickering in the back seat as they picked on Gemma. Louie and I didn't flinch when that lead to her yelling at them.

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