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" you know . . . i think this is where it began, huh? "

" its been so long . . . how do you still remember? "

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He gazed up, letting the sun soak into his face. His pale skin tone never tanned well enough, and no matter how hard he tried to not look like a ghost - it always stayed the same. Sipping his black coffee, he slid up his hoodie nonchalantly as he heard a gaggle of girls walk past him. Usually, he wouldn't mind a little chatter, but today . . . today he needed some space.

His mind trailed off to thoughts of his friends, who were most likely goofing off when he was taking a much-needed break. A slight irritation perched onto his head, and he stood up from his seat in the outdoor cafe, clenching his coffee cup a little tighter than usual.

As he entered the small shop, he threw away his drink and decided to but a coffee muffin. He shivered slightly in his hoodie and earned a strange look from the cashier.

Well, no wonder. No one gets cold in this spring heat.

A doorbell rung and his ears perked to the sound, glimpsing sideways quickly as he waited for his muffin. A girl with soft, pink hair caught his eyes, and he frowned. She seems familiar . . .

"Here you go, sir, have a nice day!" The sound of the worker brought him back, and he nodded with a smile.


Walking away from the counter and towards the door, he couldn't help but take another look. The girl was humming away as she drank her coffee and wrote in a notebook. His face scrunched, and finally, he knew who the girl was.

"You're from Ohtani Private Girls Academy, right?" He asked as he strolled over to the girl, grimacing from the tightness of his black jeans. Running a hand through his hair, he looked at her expectantly.

She looked up, and a light surprise crossed her face. "I am. You're from Shinrin Secondary Boys Academy, right?"

"Yes. I'm surprised, how did you know?"

"Well, everyone knows that Sasuke Uchiha goes to Shinrin, and I happen to be part of that group."

Sasuke smirked, intrigued by her response. "Its a bit strange to hear that from someone else, you know?"

"Once you obtain fame, it's not that weird anymore, is it?"

"I suppose." He hummed back. "I came up to wish you luck for the joint school competition next week." A soft smile crossed his face as he tilted his head and shrugged. "It's courteous to wish the other team luck for these sorts of things."

A light blush crossed the girl's face, and she smiled pleasantly. "Yeah, thank you, and good luck to you. Although I highly doubt you'll need it."

Sasuke shrugged and looked at the girl in front of him. "I'm not sure, you might just surprise me, Sakura-san," he mumbled, then waved and left the store. The sun fell upon him once again, and he shook off his hoodie.

A fond look came across his face as he remembered his meeting with Sakura Haruno, who was the lead singer of an underground band called Sakura no Hana. He noticed quite a few of her performances and impressed with the skill she presented. Her green eyes reminded him before the media made his band famous throughout Japan.

They were filled with excitement and passion. Sasuke wished he could feel that again. Creating music with the pressure of being a top boy band messed with his mind, but luckily his bandmates made it go away. Taking a few turns, he sighed as he entered the premises of the prestigious Shinrin Boys Academy. He began the school eight years ago - and finally, it was his last year.

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