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Sai couldn't help it anymore.

This proud, bratty, annoying girl had touched his limits.

She humiliated him, and then his friends?


Not caring about Kiba's warning from before, he marched up to Ino, his height dominating. Sai's eyes glowered.

"What do you want, pasty?"

"For your information, Ino-san," He mocked, spitting out her name. "I've been getting tanned quite nicely lately. Your blind ass pig eyes can't see it . . . it can't be helped."

Ino's eyes exploded into an azure fire, and she grasped the collar of Sai's shirt, before shoving him back. "Firstly, someone gets Jeff the Killer a breath mint. Second, my eyes are perfectly fine, they can see you're an arrogant bastard who doesn't know personal space or when to back the fuck off!" She marched up towards him and stood on her toes, her face red with anger. "If you haven't noticed, your the one who decided to waltz into a girls school, where YOU ARE NOT WELCOME."

Kiba groaned as he munched on the granola bar Ino tossed him earlier from her bag. "I think we gotta go, Naruto, Sasuke?"

Naruto glanced away from his bashful conversation with Hinata and moaned. "Not again."

Sakura's eyes widened and she stormed over to Sai and Ino, separating the agitated pair. "That's quite enough!" She raised her voice, something that those who knew her well knew she didn't do often.

Sasuke tore his eyes away from Hinata, and disgust settled in him towards the situation. Gee, now people can get why I don't like groups. Sighing, he strolled over to Sai. Gently brushing Sakura's shoulder, he met her eyes with a somber expression and nodded. "I'm sorry, we didn't mean to bother you three. I just wanted to see Hinata-san." Sasuke murmured, and took a quick look at the girl, who gave a heart stabbing smile to him. "Come on, let's go. Round checks are over anyways."

Sai glared at Ino, malice in his eyes. "This isn't over you wannabe Charli D' Amilo." He spat, then walked out the door, with Naruto trailing behind. He gloomily waved at Hinata and slumped his way out of the music room.

"Sorry about Sai, Ino. He can get provoked easy, ya know? Go easy on him." Kiba smiled at Ino, casually punching her in the arm. "See you for drumming practice later?"

"Yeah. I think I went off a little too much." Ino beamed back. "See you later, Puppy Eyes."

Sakura glimpsed at Sasuke's hand on her shoulder, which he dropped almost immediately. She couldn't help but sigh, followed by a tiny chuckle. "It's fine, thanks though."

"Again, I apologize."

"Don't sweat it."

Leaving the room soon after, Sasuke squeezed his temples as he watched his three friends jump down the stairs and walk out into the sunny weather outside.


I never should have gone.

Back in the music room, Ino put away her drumsticks into her case. "That guy pisses me off so much." She complained under her breath, watching the boy's back through the window. "One of these days, someone is gonna put that pasty jackass in his place."

Sakura sighed noisily and placed her guitar back into her music locker. "I know, but couldn't you have kept your cool for just a few more minutes?" She asked, pinching the bridge of her news.

"I would have like to talk to Naruto-kun just a little bit longer." Hinata wistfully said, swaying on her feet. "He looked handsome today."

"All you think about is Naruto-san, Hina! I'm so hurt you won't think of me."Sakura dramatically said, draping her arms over Hinatas shoulders. The two giggled and Ino looked at the two, somewhat ashamed. A pang of guilt rushed into her. In all honesty, she wanted to keep her cool as well.

She just couldn't help it when it came to Sai.

"I . . . I'm sorry. I know I promised last time I would try to be nicer to him, but I just . . ." She whispered and Sakura laughed, shaking her head.

"You know what? Let's do one more song. Hinata plays bass, I'll sing, and you can drum your heart out, huh?" She suggested, and Ino brightened up. Hinata giggled and walked over to Ino, resting a hand on the blonde's shoulder.

" Sai-san was out of hand though, no? It'll help you destress, and we can food after too!" The indigo haired girl encouraged, and Ino felt a bit better. Placing a hand on her hip, she grabbed her drumsticks from her case. She glanced at Sakura and shouted.

"Alright then. What song, fearless leader?"

"I know just the perfect one!" Sakura exclaimed, eyes shining. She sang a few notes, and soon, the music room played a lively, cheerful melody.

✻ ✻ ✻ ✻ ✻

"Holy fuck, how do you talk to her Kiba? She's so fucking annoying!" Sai roared, his ears bright red. He hardly swore, but Ino pressed onto his nerves. Sasuke sighed and rolled his eyes at his guitarist, slightly amused at his antics, then looked at Naruto who had a goofy grin on his face.

"You look like an idiot, dead last."

Naruto grinned and chuckled to himself. "I have no complaints - I got to see Hina-chan." He hummed, scratching the back of his neck as he remembered the petite singer from just a few moments ago.

A tense smile crossed Sasuke's face, and he nodded stiffly. "Yeah, it was nice to see her. But Ino-san looked like she was about to beat Sai up."

Kiba kept still, then knocked Sai's head, shooting an remarkably rare glare to the boy. "Sai, what was the one thing I told you not to do with Ino?" He answered his question, crossing his arms. "I asked you to not start a fight with her. And what did you do? YOU STARTED A FIGHT WITH HER!" Kiba sighed, and ran a hand through his hair. "To answer your question, I just said hi nicely, and we became drumming buddies. She's nice when you don't provoke her."

The black-haired boy dramatically flipped his head disdainfully and shrugged. "It would have been better than being touched by her." He snarled, clearly irritated by the events that happened moments ago.

"Maybe try to get on better terms with her, ok? If you're nice to someone, they'll be nice back, hm? I mean, that's what I and Naruto do."

"Believe it!"

Sasuke stayed calm and nodded along with his bandmate's chatter. His mind wandered to thoughts of many . . . Hinata, the band and particularly the competition next week.

⫸ ⫸ ⫸ ⫸  ⫸

sasuke is ooc. 

sorry about that.

he still acts like his usual self though.

- colin . k 

wc: 1092

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