As Mr. Andrews shooed three teenage girls away from the railings, Mask and Andi had finished cleaning up the mess on the shop floor...

"Thanks for the help, Andi..." Mask said, smiling.

Andi giggled, "Not a problem, Mask."

A/N: Here's the song:

Again, here's the cast, just in case:
• Derrack Andrews - Mr. Mushnick
• Maskmen - Seymore
• Andi - Audrey
• Damian - Olin

Ten minutes past five o'clock in the evening, and not a customer in sight....

The clocked ticked; Mr. Andrews sitting at a desk, Andi leaning against a pillar, and Mask behind the counter.

Fifteen minutes passed, this time Andi playing with a deck of cards at the desk, Mask leaning against the counter, and Mr. Andrews reading the paper.

Another fifteen minutes passed, and still no business.

Derrack glanced at the clock, breaking his thousand-yard stare from the door.







"6:00... And we haven't sold so much as a fern." Derrack sighed.


"All right! That's it!" He said loudly, slamming his hands down on the counter- startling and knocking Mask and Andi from their day dreams.

"Forget it. Don't bother coming in tomorrow," He growled.

Andi gasped quietly, "You don't mean--"

Mask unexpectedly cut him off, "You can't mean--"

"I'm through! Forget it! Kaput!"

"You can't!"

"Kaput! Extinct! I'm closing this God-and-customer-forsaken place.."

Andi and Mask looked at each other.

"Mr. Andrews, forgive me for saying so, sir, but....has it ever occurred to you that maybe what the firm needs in a be direction...?"

Hesitation was clear in Mask's voice, but he didn't want to lose the job he had been given for God knows how long!

Derrack glanced at Mask like he'd lost his mind.

"U-Um... W-What Mask is trying to say" Andi started, losing his words.

Derrack appeared unamused. Andi took a mental note, and glanced between his boss and co-worker.

"....M-Mask, why don't you run downstairs and bring up that...s-strange and interesting new plant you've been working on..?" The boy chirped, Mask quickly catching the hint and going down to the basement.

"Y-You see, Mr. Andrews, some of those exotic plants Mask's been tinkering around with are really unusual, a-and we though that maybe some of those strange and interesting new plants, prominently displayed and advertised..would...attract business." Andi said, his boss giving him a questioning look.....

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