Chapter Five

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Walking in an orchid garden, his hand in mine as i leaned on his shoulder.The feelings of peace,comfort and joy rushing through my body.Making promises of loving each other forever. For always being there for each other,for helping each other through sorrow and being the happiest in moments of joy.

Once your attracted to someone you always tend you create all sorts of romantic stories in your head of happily ever after. I was doing the same. Laying in bed and thinking about him. It was around 3 am and hour later after we got home. Everyone else was fast asleep but me. I couldn't sleep. Yes,i was thinking about him and imagining sceneries of our fairy tale which according to me wasn't going to happen but we all have the right to imagine and feel.

I thought about him,about this weird feeling in my stomach.

"stop thinking about him" i told myself turning from one side of my bed to the other trying to get rid of his thoughts.

"He didn't even notice you"

"You don't exist for him"

"Just sleep!"

"but hes so charming..i think i am crushing over him too hard right now" i admitted to myself while having a storm of thoughts. This was definitely the first time i liked a guy so much. i was mostly the girl who was just friends with boys and never developed romantic feelings for them. So yeah Derek was my first crush!

"How can i like someone by their appearance? what if he already has a girlfriend?  what if he's not good by heart?"

"Maybe he's just a crush. It cant be love...or is it? no no no its not love!" my thoughts were all over the place. I was thinking way too much and this was just the first time i saw him. "lets wait for another meet. and then take these talks further Amy" i said to myself and buried my face in my pillow. I also had this weird habit of talking to myself. My siblings were too young to understand me and my parents never tried too. I couldn't even talk to Saesha about this till school reopens because saesha did not have her own phone and her parents kept an eye on all of her online activities. So it was just me and my thoughts.

"Amy wake up!!! Its noon, dad is going be super pissed if he finds out your still sleeping." my brother screams.

"yessss i am awake don't worry" i replied covering my face with my blanket.

After 5 minutes i finally got up, walked straight to the bathroom. Took a bath,brushed my teeth. Made myself brunch and sat in my room scrolling through Instagram.

"Hey. what are you doing?" a texted popped up on my notification bar. It was from Rey.

"Hey. Nothing. what about you?" i replied back quickly.

"Helping mom for tonights dinner party at our place."

"Dinner party?"

"yeah. And i am looking forward to seeing you here. I might need some help as well so try coming early." Rey requested.

"who all are going to be there?" i asked ignoring his request.

"Everyone who was at the bonfire last night....." he replied.

"oh..everyone. Cool.. see you there then" i replied with a slight smile on my face. Everyone meant Derek too. And after all the thoughts i got last night seeing him again today would be amazing.

"cool see u. bye" Rey texted back ended this short conversation of ours which lightened my day.

It was around five in the evening. And everyone in my family was ready and we were about to leave for the dinner party.

"you look excited for the party Amy" Dad said looking at me through the rear view mirror. He probably might have caught me smiling . But i couldn't hold back my smile. I was nervous and excited both at the same time.

We reached Rey's residence within fifteen minutes.

"Lets goo!!!" Darian said running into the house.

"yeah lets go " i said to myself.

I entered the house and most of the guests were already there. I went inside greeting everyone i met on the way. My eyes looking for just one person who wasn't to be seen anywhere.

"HEY! i think i asked you to be here early!!" Rey said pulling me into the kitchen.

" parents take time you know that very well." i said shrugging.

"are all the guests here?" i asked him.

"yeah everyone is here"

"okay now arrange the glasses while i get the drinks from the refrigerator" he said walking towards the fridge.

"You know what..i will be back in sometime. I haven't greeted your grandma yet. She wouldn't like it if i don't greet her.So ill be here in sometime. Till then you can handle the arrangements."I said in hurry and rushed out into the living area.

"Where is he?Did he not come ?"I kept asking myself while looking for him.

I went to Rey's room. The last room to check for Derek. I opened the door slowly but it was all empty.

"Dang it" i said slamming the door close. And as i turned around i was surprised and accidentally opened the door tripping back inside Rey's room.

"oh god. Are you okay" a gentle,deep and sweet voice said.

"yeah i think i am good " i replied. Balancing myself and fixing my dress.

"All good" i smiled. Meeting the eyes of the person standing in front of me.

It was Derek. I had finally found him. It was a big deal but all worth it. But i had embarrassed myself on our very first meeting. I looked at him and kept smiling awkwardly and he did the same. He looked stunning. He was wearing a white hoodie and black pants. His gorgeous brown hair all set back and his expressions calm and light.

"Excuse me"i said and started to walk out to avoid more embarrassment just then he said "your Rey's cousin right?"

"eh..who? me? Oh yes, i am his cousin." i said turning back towards him and staring right into his beautiful eyes.

"I am Derek. His good friend. I have heard a lot about you from him and even seen a couple of pictures of you on his phone before. Nice to meet you." He introduced himself moving his hand forward for a handshake.

"Amy. Good to see you too" I said placing my hand in his.. This was probably the best handshake i had in my entire life.

"AMYYYY COME HERE PLEASE" Rey screams from the kitchen. I broke the bond and rushed  towards the kitchen.

"You burned the cupcakes again?!" I exclaimed.

" why can't you pay more attention"

"Well if you stood here and watched them for me it wouldn't have come to this."He replied with a grin.

"lets fix this mess now" i said laughing.

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