Chapter Seven

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Another sleepless night,yet another fresh morning. Love or attraction towards a person can definitely drive you insane and as my feelings for Derek increased i had to be ready to experience more and more sleepless nights.

 'Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind' 

A famous quote by Shakespeare that i had read in books. i was finally understanding the meaning. But all these thoughts would come to end when i thought in other ways.

Does he like me? or will he ever like someone like me?

I wasn't cool. I wasn't good at math which turns out to be his favorite subject. I was very reserved. I did not talk much. I was lazy at times. I was extremely moody. I had nothing in me that would make him like me back.Yet,i continued to dream. Dream about a our happily ever after. I never believed in those fairy tales but after seeing Derek and after the past two meetings i feel like maybe they are true. Maybe i can have one of my own or maybe all this will always remain a dream. I can just admire him and like him. I can't force him to like me back.

"AMY FINISH EATING YOUR BREAKFAST QUICKLY!" mom screams snapping me out of my thoughts.

I look around confused and stare down at my plate. I was siting at the breakfast table and day dreaming. By now the eggs on my plate were cold. There was no way i could eat that now. I slowly sneaked into the kitchen and kept my plate somewhere out of sight. Whenever mom would come to the dishes it would be late and she'd forget about it.

I went back to my room and wrote my diary about the dinner party and  Rey's weird behavior.

I mean he definitely was getting the crushies. It possibly can't be anything else. Rey has never looked at some girl that keenly and he never really zones out until its something serious. So there was something he had on mind. He either didn't want to share it or he himself wasn't sure about his thoughts.Whatever it was hopefully he figures it out soon.

After writing and cleaning my room it was time for lunch. At lunch,Dad told us that they were planning a trip to Skinavia. Skinavia was a small town that was 6  hours far  from our place. it was a very small town,not developed much. Not many people lived there and those who lived in Skinavia had a whole area all to themselves. One family would have the area of 7 other houses and there was peace and not  a single sound to be heard. The area was mostly covered by tress and bushes. 

I know a lot about this place because i had visited this town when i was 10 years old. And i was least interested in going to such a place. But dad wanted to go away from the city and have a good time with family and friends. He mentioned that one of his old friends had recently shifted to Skinavia with his entire family. And they were looking forward to have us there. 

"Dad i don't really want to travel right now." i said looking down at my plate trying to separate the bell peppers from my pasta.

"Why not?" he questioned. "You don't even have school right now and i feel we all need a break from the city life."

"yeah but-"

"I have already finalized with the Smiths that we will be going on this trip and everyone is joining.We will be leaving after 3 days so start you packing.End of discussion."he said and got up of his seat and walked back into the kitchen to keep his dish in the sink.

Everyone else was okay with this,everyone except me.

Hearing that the Smiths will be with us made me a feel good about this trip but i wasn't really excited about this trip to some remote town. But i had no choice. We do what dad says.

The rest of the evening i spent thinking and trying to search about the place we were going to.

Not much information was given and the information given was not enough. Later i gave up on my research and layed in bed.

Around seven at night i get a text from Rey.

"Hey, can we meet at the cafe near your place in ten minutes?" he had texted

"why?everything okay?" i asked

"yeah, just got to tell you something. You coming?"

"okay i'll be there"

"Great see you at cafe Benne. Be on time"

"yeah,okay see ya" i say ending the conversation.

Upon reaching the cafe i see Rey sitting in the corner restlessly looking around. I walked up to him and ask him if everything is alright.

"yeah everything is good" 

"Why did you call me here this late?And what's that on your shirt?"I ask

"hmm well..your best friend was here a while ago" He begins to start the talk.


"yeah her,she was here" 

"okay so whats wrong with that?" I asked him trying to understand the unsaid words.

"Yeah so i bumped into her and she bought a cupcake and it was in her hand.So,when i bumped into her that cupcake got smashed on my shirt and she looked at me with a blank expression for like 5 seconds and then picked that cupcake and walked away. Without even saying a word. She seemed to be a little pissed." He says showing me the stain on his shirt.

"Okay Rey. What do you want now?"

"Well i think i should apologise because at that moment i was completely lost and did not get a chance to do so." He says.

"Rey its alright. No big deal"

"No no its not alright..i want to apologize. Can you please give me her number or her instagram username?" He asks with his expressions relaxed.

"She doesn't have a phone.And she is not on any social media site."

"Then how am i supposed to contact her then?" He says raising his voice a little.

"Well there is this online reading application if she is online on that you might be able to" I reply back all confused but at that point i didn't really care what he wanted or what i wanted. I did what he asked.

Saesha's parents kept  a strict watch on her but she had an Ipad that she used to use when her parents weren't home. And we found an online reading website which also had an option to chat so we would talk on that if it was something very important.

"Online site sounds great. Take out your phone lets talk." he said impatiently

"Not now Rey. Its late. You can text her tomorrow."

"okay...but i will be using you account. She might not answer to anonymous texts."He says planning his "talk."

"Okay .Now can i please go back home. I am extremely sleepy." i say lowly.

I knew i was going to stay up tonight as well because my thoughts wouldn't let me sleep.

"yeah sure.THANK YOU SO MUCH AMY FOR COMING! YOUR THE BEST" he exclaims. Joy and satisfaction clearly seen on his face. I was sure that Rey got the crushies. I'd just wait till he openly confesses this to me.

Rey and I walked back home. Talking about the trip to Skinavia. He said that his family had other plans so they won't be joining . But Derek and his family will surely be there.

And that was the only good thing about this whole trip. Getting to spend time and know Derek more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2020 ⏰

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