Chapter 3 Spin-the-Bottle

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There were a few other people. Some were seniors, but most were freshman and juniors.

Everybody was sitting in a lopsided circle. There was a glass bottle in the center.

"So who goes first?" Liam, a junior, asked.

"Freshies should go first, since most of them have never played this game," said Annabel, a senior.

"So basically, you just spin the bottle. Whoever it lands on, you kiss. Unless it lands on someone of the same gender," explained Liam. "Who wants to go first?"

"I will!" Madaline's hand shot up.

"Alright. Madaline goes first. Spin the bottle," said Annabel.

Madaline reached towards the bottle and she spun it. It landed on Josh. Josh's eyes got huge. Madaline just smirked.

"Are you ready to be my first kiss?" Madaline asked.

"Uh...I guess so..." Josh obviously didn't want to make things awkward when we went back to normal on Monday. Madaline didn't really care.

She walked over to him and placed her hand in his. She has to stand in her blue, sequined, knee length dress. Josh stood up. She helped pull him up. When he stood, she pressed her lips to his without any hesitation.

Josh's eyes were wide at first. Then he began to kiss back. It was his his first kiss, too. Madaline pulled away. Her and Josh were both blushing. They sat down.

"Cassie's turn," said Sammy, a senior.

I spun the bottle. It landed on Perry. I spun again since we're both girls. This time, it landed on Danny.

Danny is muscular and handsome. His dirty blond hair was comes in a bridge sort of way. His blue eyes were his best feature by far. It's true, I've had a crush on him for three years. Not because of looks, although, that is a plus. He is one of the sweetest and funniest people I know.

I walked over to Danny hesitantly. Kissing your crush is harder than you'd think.

I helped him stand up since I was in a small dress. I looked him in the eyes for a moment. Was that a flicker of excitement I saw?

I softly pressed my lips to his, standing on my tippy toes. He put his arms around my waist. He kissed me back, but harder. We stayed like this while two more people took turns spinning and kissing. Nobody had tried to break up our kiss. Then, Danny pulled away, although he left his arms around me. I had butterflies.

"You don't know how long I've waited to do that," Danny said.

"Wait what?" I asked, confused.

"Cassie, I've had a crush on you since sixth grade," Danny admitted.

"Are you serious?"


"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"I didn't know how you'd react. But it's true. I still have a huge crush on you," Danny told me.

I stared at him for a minute. A smile began to work its way onto my lips.

"Me too," I said. I reached up and kissed him again.

For me, the rest of the night was a blur of kissing, Danny, and watching our friends all kiss one another.

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