Eighth Letter

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Dear Clyde,

Your mom called me this morning and told me to come over to your house. She said she's going to give me something that should have been in my possession a long time ago.

I did not know you kept a lot of mix tapes for me! When I looked in to the songs, I found out that it's compose of my favorite songs since first grade. Wow! Why have you not given those to me? It would bring so much joy if you did, you know. I love those!

Aunt Jenna allowed me to use your player so that I could listen to your mix tapes. She told me I was free to stay in your room as long as I want to. I hope you would not mind.

I did not know you had one mix tape made especially for one song. One song, Clyde! That made me grinning from ear to ear.

That was the song we danced at prom night. That night was one of the most memorable one because that day you asked me to be your girl. I was so happy back then. You even teased me because I was crying the whole time. I could still hear the cheers of the people around us. Their congratulations for the two of us, and the whooping and whistles... gosh, I was so happy.

I played endless love while lying on your bed. 

The memory of you singing the words 'My first love, you're every breath that I take. You're every step I make' while looking straight in to my eyes is forever etched in every corner of my life. You were smiling the whole time as you sang that song to me. And I was smiling back.

Will it be possible to sing and dance again? Will you be my first and last dance up there?

I promise you that until we see each other again, you will only be the one to take the dance with me.

'Cause you,
You mean the world to me
Oh I know
I've found in you
My endless love

P.S I have taken the mix tapes with me.

Love, Bonnie

Dear Clyde, Love BonnieTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang