Chapter Eleven

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Our plans of cuddling the night away, maybe getting real sleep in, were cut short when my door opened again like, an hour into their visit.

"Shiro! Shiro, are you okay?" Ei bolted to his feet within nanoseconds of seeing who it was. I had sort of closed my eyes when the door opened in hopes that they would go away, but I got up too when Ei said who it was.

"You're crying. Why are you crying? Did something happen?" I rushed, hurrying over to her and quickly shutting the door behind her. She just sort of nodded weakly, not being able to say anything coherent.

"Let her breathe, Denks, geez," Kat said, although his eyebrows were knitted in concern. "Sit up here, kid," he offered, patting the spot next to him. She shook her head and clung onto me instead. Okay. This is new, she's scared of Kat.

I returned her embrace and asked her what was wrong again, more slowly this time. "Shiro?"

Her lip was still trembling as she sniffled and wiped at her eyes, but she answered. "I-Inu told me w-what he did to y-you. When you were f-fourt-teen. And he s-said that—" she started hiccuping rather violently, so I patted her back to give her a little time to continue. When she started talking again, it was with a little more ease. "H-He said he'd do it to me, too, if I tried to help you again," she said. "B-but I don't want Inu to hurt you anymore! I w-want you to be happy and—and I want Inu to be nice again," Shiro sniffled.

I didn't know how to respond to that. I think I had shut down for a moment before I just started sobbing. I hugged her tightly, shy of crushing her lungs (she was fine).

"Please be safe, Shiro," I just sort of repeated into her shoulder, like some weird-ass chant. "Just be safe, please."

"Don't be sad, Denki, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you cry!" she said quickly. Shit, no.

"Don't apologize," I mumbled, really only crying harder. It felt a little pathetic, but could you blame me? Geez, I hoped you couldn't blame me. If I were you, I wouldn't blame me.

Kat and Ei got up and wordlessly hugged us both tightly, too. I felt both of them give me kisses on my cheeks before they let go of us. I paused to look up to them.

"Sorry, Denki," Ei murmured. "I think Kat and I are about to do something that really constitutes as stupid. Just lock the door, 'kay? And don't leave, no matter what."

"Ei? Kat?" I wiped at my eyes, but they were already leaving. "Wait!" They paused, and I took a deep breath. "I wanna go with you. Somebody needs to tell Inu to go fuck himself since he's so desperate, and I'll hate myself if it's not me."

"Denks—" Ei started to protest, but I cut him off.

"Dude, I just found out that he threatened to rape my cousin, his sister. If there's a time to go apeshit on him, it's now." I cracked my knuckles, then shook my hands out. "Someone needs to stay with Shiro."

"I guess that's me. I'll assume Ei really wants to be a shield in case this goes wrong," Kat offered. I smiled at him gratefully, and Ei just nodded grimly. That was the end of that discussion, then.

"Great. Hoooo shit, this is scary," I admitted. "Let's go before I change my mind."

"I thought I told you—" my dad started immediately upon noticing me.

"No," I growled back, marching right up to Inu. "What the fuck is wrong with you? You're worse than M*neta, for shit's sake!"

"I don't know who that is," he replied dumbly. I guess he really didn't know how to react when I fought back, huh?

"That's not important. Why the hell would you threaten to rape Shiro? What the fuck would make you decide that was a good fucking idea?" I was screaming, wasn't I? Well, better to get my point across that way.

"What are you talking about?" my aunt spoke up. "Inu would never—"

"Really?" I snapped back straight away. "Then why the hell else would she burst into my room, crying about how he said he'd do the same thing he did to her that he did to me when I was fourteen? 'Cuz to narrow down all the awful things he's done to me, that one sticks out quite a bit, and conveniently happened when I was fourteen!"

"You're such an attention-whore," my mom said offhandedly. "Why would be want to fuck you of all people? Nothing worth fucking."

"Like you even bothered to know what I look like," I replied.

"You're practically a carbon-copy of your father, anyone can see that," she said. Wow. She really just said that Dad has the sex appeal of a math textbook, didn't she?

"No, mom, I don't! I have your eyes, and your dad's nose, and... I even have your quirk! The same exact same one," I shot back. "The one you used on me so much that you fried your brain and got yourself stuck in bed forever. What the hell is wrong with all of you people? What did I ever do to you?"

"Your existence is really getting on my nerves, you know that?" My dad growled.

"I'm still trying to get over the fact that you lied about our Inu—he just couldn't," my aunt repeated.

"You won't even ask Shiro yourself?"

"Why should I bother? You'd probably make her agree with you or something so that we'd believe you. You know how impressionable little kids are, why would we trust her word like that?" my uncle asked as though he were pointing out an obvious fact that I had somehow missed.

"There's something so wrong with all of you," I persisted. "Why would you believe her? I don't know, maybe because she's your fucking daughter who is so clearly scared? Have you tried being there for her when she's crying, or do you call her stupid, too? How about giving her a hug every once in awhile? Maybe try not starving her, too, parenting 101."

"You're just ungrateful for what you've been given here," he scowled at me.

I paused and raised my eyebrows. Then I laughed. I actually laughed. I might have been just a little bit broken. "Yeah! Yeah, right, lemme think about what I've been given. Better yet, why doesn't Inu go over the whole list? Start with his own penis, then end with a couple hundred cigarette butt—shaped burns all down my arm. All the things I was so graciously given, and wow, I didn't even have to ask! You're right, you've all been so kind to me, where are my manners?" If they didn't know how to respond before when I was just yelling, they definitely didn't know what to do now that I was cackling. Even Ei seemed a little freaked out by this new development.

This ended when something smashed into my face. Well, I guess we should add that one to the list. Bottle broken over my head twice. My dad had literally thrown it at me from where he was now standing. I guess he was done with my bullshit. Thankfully, adrenaline. So it didn't actually hurt just yet. I just whipped my head in his direction, and Ei hurried up behind me again.

"Shut the fuck up! You don't have the right to talk to any of us like that! You know your fucking place here, so go back to your room and accept it!" he yelled.

"Why should I, Dad? Why do you hate me so much?"

"You don't—"

"Why?" I never got the answer because Inu yanked my hair so hard that my face banged against the table. I stumbled backwards into Ei, who I was pretty sure was asking if I was okay, but I couldn't really make out the words he was saying. "I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm mad. I'm fine," I muttered.

"Denki, we're leaving now," he said. At least, I was pretty sure that's what he was saying. I couldn't actually hear anything over the pounding in my head. They wondered why I was an idiot? Probably because they kept smashing stuff in my face. I nodded, not really trusting myself to stand, and leaned against my boyfriend.

He yelled something back at them that I couldn't quite make out before picking me up himself. I guess it was a little delayed, but I passed out. The hard part was over.

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