Chapter Sixteen

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Kaminari POV:

"I still can't believe that Aizawa-sensei agreed to it," I breathed. "Kat, if this actually works, you're gonna be a dad," I hopped up and down.

My boyfriend was staring a hole into the air. "Yeah," he  said absentmindedly.

"You okay?" I asked. "You're worried about something."

"Mhmm," The ash-blonde nodded. "Aside from the fact that we skipped half of the school day, I'm gonna be a dad. Maybe. Hopefully. But would I even be good at it? I'm me. I'm a total asshole. I feel like I'd fuck it up somehow. What if—"

"Woah, woah," Ei put a finger over Kat's mouth. "Shiro loves you. Besides, if Aizawa thinks you can do it, then he can probably rest assured that you're more qualified than you think."

"Yeah," I agreed. "He takes stuff like adoption really seriously. He can probably tell how much she means to you," I assured him. "Plus, I trust you with her, and she's my baby cousin who I will never let anything bad happen to ever again. The two days we had taking care of her like she was our own kid went great. And, oh yeah, you have us and your parents and probably Ei's parents, too."

"Kitty, no one's expecting you to be a perfect dad right off the bat," Ei added. "But you're better than you think you are, promise."

"Shiro loves you. Heck, you're Uncle Explosion Murder," I pointed out, and Kat laughed.

"That I am. As long as she doesn't actually start calling me 'dad' because that would be weird, I'll be very happy, I think." He smiled at his shoes. "You guys are the best boyfriends on the planet. I don't care who says differently."

"Aw, stop," I swatted his arm. Now I was blushing, gosh darn it.

As we neared the dorms, Mina and Sero practically jumped on us. I nearly jumped out of my skin, still having been on edge because I just was, fuck off.

"Guys, what the hell," I squeaked, now wrapped in their embrace.

"You didn't give us any time to say hi yesterday," Mina pouted. "And besides, we need to have a talk, mister. All three of you, actually."

"What did I do?" I asked sheepishly.

"It's more of what you didn't do," Sero responded. "Kiri was the only one of you guys to say anything to us the whole holiday."

"Yeah, and the only picture we got of you was where you had a bloody nose. Were you okay?" Mina asked. I immediately felt guilty. They still worried about me, didn't they?

"I was fine," Kat knitted his eyebrows. I bit my lip and looked in the opposite direction.

"I didn't mean to make you guys worry about me, sorry," I murmured. "It's a long story."

"Wait no don't feel bad," Mina's eyes widened. "We just wanted to make sure you were okay!"

"I know," I sighed. "Bad habit."

"Uh... we could do something to take your mind off it. If you don't wanna talk about whatever happened, it's fine," Sero proposed, and I smiled.

"Thanks, guys. What did you have in mind?" I tilted my head.

"I... did not think that far ahead," he admitted.

Kat spoke up, albeit a little awkwardly. "You could... teach me how to play Mariokart?" My whole face lit up at the suggestion, and he squinted. "Too bright..." he muttered.

"Really? I can totally teach you how to play!" After a moment, he smiled back.


"Aw, Soft-ugo," Mina teased him, and he scowled at them but didn't deny it.

"Shut up, sad Pikachu is the only illegal Pikachu," he grumbled, taking my hand rather aggressively. I was still smiling. "'S not allowed."

"That we can agree on," Sero nodded fervently. "Now, time for the master to teach you the ways of the Force."

"It's Mariokart, not 'the Force.'" Kat looked genuinely confused, and it was adorable.

"Same difference. C'mon, bros!"

"Can someone explain how the hell I keep winning? I said not to go easy on me," Kat pouted, sitting back after having won a third race in a row.

"I'm not," Ei laughed. "Promise. You're just a natural."

"I've never touched one of these in my life," Kat waved the Wii remote at nothing in particular. "This is just unrealistic. I know I'm the best at everything else, but this is ridiculous."

"Fine, let's go again," he challenged, and I grinned.

"It's 'cuz he was taught by the absolute master," I joked. "Obviously my young padawan will take after me."

"Like I said, he's teaching you the Force," Sero said, jabbing Kat in the ribs.

"I will break your fingers," Blasty threatened, but it was obviously empty.

"Clearly," Ei agreed. "It's the only way."

"Also, you're losing on purpose," I added. "It's obvious."

"Hey, you promised to go hard on me," Kat frowned, then blushed. "Not like that."

"That's for later. But yeah, let's go again," Ei smirked, and Kat nodded, grabbing the remote again.

Sero and Mina were complaining about the children in the room, but we ignored that for the most part.

"You're both adorable," I mumbled to Ei and Kat.

"No, you," they both shot back immediately, and (don't ask me how) we ended up in a tangled pile of limbs and laughter at the foot of Ei's bed. Sero and Mina weren't gonna stop gagging any time soon, were they?

"But for real, I got so lucky with you guys. I don't know what I did to deserve—" I started again, but Kat cut me off.

"Shut up before you say you don't deserve us, Denks," he said forcefully. "You deserve the whole damn universe with a fucking cherry on top, so don't give us that."

"Yep! Next mission: figure out how to put a cherry on top of the universe," Ei added, giggling.

"Good plan. Oh, shit, food," Kat untangled himself so that he could sit up. "What do you idiots want?"

I shrugged. "What do you feel like making?"

"I dunno, Ei?"


We ended up indulging Kat's need for something spicy and he decided to make... I don't even know what the heck it was called. It was sort of physically painful to eat, but I didn't mind. It was good.

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