
517 77 14

November 2017

  Anwaar's POV

   Okayy.. I needed to get everything together! My life seemed to be taking a 180 degree turn to chaos. I had Mk's investigating today, Haroun also has me spying on Mk and to top it all of Samaar was arriving in Uk on Friday! I just hope my sister never finds out about me. My job is to provide and make them the happiest people on this earth, they have gone through a lot. I'm ok with destroying my life for my family and when the time comes Samaar will get married and have her own family.

   I don't know whether I'm comfortable with her marrying a Nigerian though, I just hope she doesn't find anyone. I'd much prefer someone from here, British, nice, someone that will take care of her because as far as I am concerned Abba's clan are the worst of people. The more I think about it though the more of a hypocrite I sound because Haroun is Nigerian and I have the biggest crush on him. Mk is Nigerian too... and so is Hala and I have to say they are really nice set of people. You know what? Maybe not all Nigerians are bad yes maybe the bad ones are Abba's family certainly not Mk's.

   With that in mind I sling my shoulder bag across my shoulder and kiss Ramsey goodbye, Haroun was waiting for me outside. It was past noon and by night time I needed to be back and ready for AG who I was meeting today. I just hope I don't mess things up because Mk has been nothing but generous so I want to help him out too.

   "What's up pretty" Haroun grinned from the drivers side.

   "Stop flirting it doesn't suit you" I rolled my eyes and got into the car, he puts the car into gear and we drive off.

   He nodded "yup sorry just teasing, my girlfriend wouldn't be happy about it either"

   Girlfriend?? Why did I just feel like a ton of blocks have been placed on my chest?

   "You never mentioned having a girlfriend" I muttered "who is the unlucky girl?"

   He glared at me "what do you mean unlucky I'm a piece of cake hm hm hm" he snapped his fingers and shook his head side by side. I laughed. Well for one today he isn't being so uptight and I thank god for that, if we'll be working together the least he owes me is to be nice.

   "Plus she's not actually my girlfriend, we're engaged, supposed to be getting married and shit"

   Another block, this time a thousand. My eyes start to water. What is wrong with me! No! This isn't my business! This isn't my problem! Why then do I have tears pooling up in my eye. Remember Haroun is mean, he's mean to you, he's judgmental and you can never be with him, ever.

  "Why don't you sound happy about it?"

He parked by the curb and stopped the car, we were at the mall.. huh

   He shrugged "I don't know really. The whole thing is confusing. Come we've reached our destination"

   I wiped my tears and alighted from the car. Haroun and me? Never!

   The mall was bustling with people, I found it surprising seeing as though today isn't a weekend it's a Wednesday but still the ground floor was loud and people were coming in, going out, entering and leaving shops, some on the elevator and some on the escalator.

   I followed quietly behind as Haroun led me to the elevator, he punched in the 3rd floor and we jolted up "why're we at the mall?"

   He looked down at the cartier watch clasped on his hairy wrist "there's a tracker on Mk's car and it showed me here"

    "What is he doing in a mall?" I rose a brow "better question how are we supposed to find him with this amount of people bustling in and out of here"

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