Playdate Pt. 2

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Lisa POV

I didn't know where we were, but I was super excited. Then the car stopped. Dada took me out of my car seat and said, "We're here!" Dada and I held hands as we walked up to the doorstep and then he knocked. Uncle Hobi answered the door. I started jumping up and down out of excitement.

Namjoon POV

I took her inside and let her go play with Kookie. I saw them hugging and my heart melted. "How come they know each other so well Seokie hyung?" "Well, Kookie and Lisa are from the same little center," he said. "That's good. Well, I have to get going, call me if there is any trouble." "Okay, I will," Hoseok said.

Lisa POV

"Wess pway castle Kookie!" "I queen and you king otay?" "Otay," Kookie said. "All hail Queen Li-Li!" "All hail King Kookie!" "Yay," we both shouted. Kookie said, "Want Dada Seokie to pway too." "Otay," I said.

Hobi POV

Kookie had asked me to play with him and Lisa, so I did. Eventually, I put them down for their naps. I made lunch for them after they got up, and they seemed to enjoy it. After the littles ate, they went to watch TV.

Lisa POV

Minnie Mouse was on, but Kookie didn't want to watch that. He asked if we could watch something else. I said no. He then asked again and this time I hit him and yelled, "I bigger so we watch Minnie!" Kookie started crying. I teased him for crying. Then, Uncle Hobi came over to us.

Hobi POV

I walked over after I heard crying. I picked up a tear stained Jungkook and asked him what happened. He told me everything. "Li-Li hurt Kookie. Li-Li meanie head!"

"Now, now, no name calling." "Sorry Seokie," Kookie said. "Li-Li come here please." She walked over to me displaying a facial expression that she knew she was wrong for what she did.

"Lisa, it is not nice to hit, tease, or yell at others. Please apologize to Kookie." She looked over at Kookie and cried a little knowing that she made those red marks on his arm. "Li-Li sowwy Kookie. Li-Li won't do it 'gain." "It's otay," he said back. "Lisa, you have to be fair okay?"

"Otayyy, Uncle Hobi," she said to me. "Good girl. Now you two go play nicely." They played for a little while longer and then I look to see a Lego in the air, a moment later I hear my bunny crying again.

I rushed over to see a little bruise on the front of his head. I asked what was wrong but he was crying hard enough to the point that he struggled to speak. I turn to Li-Li and ask her. She says, "I throw Lego at Kookie. Li-Li not sowwy." I was just about to reach my boiling point but before I could I remembered that I had a bruised little in my arms. I calmed Kookie down and put some ointment and ice on his bruise.

                                                          A Bruised Bunny

                                                          A Bruised Bunny

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Then, I went to go take care of Lisa. "Lisa it is not okay that you threw a block at Kookie," I said in a stern tone. "Why did you do that?" "Cawse Kookie knock my tower down wif he race car. Li-Li get angwy and throw block at Kookie!" "I'm sure he didn't mean to knock your tower down sweetie, but when we get upset, we don't throw things or be mean, we use our words so no one gets hurt."

"You are sitting in time out for ten minutes as punishment Lisa." "No! No! Pwease no! I pwomise I be good." "Time out Lisa. In the corner now." "No," she shrieked at me. "Get in the time out chair now." Lisa began to throw a tantrum. "That's it! I've had it with you! Get in that chair now or I'm calling Namjoon!" She still didn't listen, so I called Namjoon.

Namjoon POV

I'm just about to get off work and I hear my phone ringing. It was Hoseok hyung. I answered. He said, "Lisa is being very naughty and she is kicking up a fuss right now. I can seem to get through to her.

Would you come over and straighten her up?" "Yeah, sure thing." I said. I hung up the phone and sighed of disappointment.

***Time Skip***

I get to Hobi's house just to walk in and see a screaming Lisa on the floor. I walked over to her and picked her up, and she immediately stopped crying.












She looked scared. I say goodbye to my hyung and his little. Lisa and I get to the car and drive home.

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