Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I had the perfect life. Then it changed all because of one kid. My brother. He ruined my life. He took everything. At first I didn't care about the pranks and the insults. Then he took my friends, then he caused my girlfriend to cheat and my "dad" to disown me. My name is Percy Jackson and I was the Hero of Olympus. 2 years have gone by now I am known as Riptide and I work for SHIELD.


"Yes sir?"

"You have to help the Avengers"


"No buts you are leaving in 1 hour. I really am sorry but it's necessary."

Percy shakes his head as Fury leaves, "I can't go back there." he mutters gazing out the window sadly. "I've avoided them for 2 years, maybe I can make it 3."

He taps his wristband and speaks, "Hey Tasha Fury's sending me down to help you. Guess I can finally meet this famous Hawkeye eh? Anyways, see you when I get there in about 1 hour."

He sighs and looks out the window one last time, "I'm coming home." he says before vapor traveling to his plane.


Percy POV

'I can't believe I'm really going home after all this time. It's been 2 years since I ever stepped into New York. 2 years since I was recruited into SHIELD. I still remember the day.


It was pouring rain. I didn't care as I ran. I ran as far as I could. Far away from all the betrayals even my parents didn't want me around. Mum said she thought I would endanger my poor little brother and sister James and Tris. She told me to go and to never come back again. Paul agreed with her. I was devastated. Literally everyone left me. I had no family or friends so I was running.

I went into a convenience store soaked and hungry. I grabbed a packet of chips and went to the front counter to pay for it. Just as I was about to leave 4 men came in armed and pointed their guns at me.

"Get down on the ground." one of the men commanded me. I rolled my eyes, "Why the Hades would I do that now when I can do this." I dropped my chips and roundhouse kicked the guy in the side, as he fell he hit his head and lost consciousness. The others gaped at me so I assumed he was their leader and then they burst into action. One started shooting me immediately and I dodged all of his bullets while I grabbed their leader's gun and smashed the guy on the side of his temple knocking him out. 2 down 2 to go. These two decided to come at me together, I took on the first in hand to hand combat after I kicked his gun out of his hands while dodging (successfully) the bullets the other guy was sending after me. When he got lucky and the bullet grazed my shoulder . I winced but it wasn't a major wound so I kept fighting. I quickly sent the guy I was locked in combat with flying in a wall and the shelves all fell on top of him. Then I felt pain unlike any other. I had forgotten about the other guy and he managed to shoot me in my abdomen and my ear. I used the last of my strength to lift the guy up by his neck and chuck him towards the glass door at the front. I collapsed. I heard yelling and I blacked out.

When I woke up I was in a room that was fully white. I was in a little pain but not too much. I noticed an IV drip on my hand and I ripped it off leaving a little trail of blood. I scanned my surroundings, there was a table and 2 chairs on either side and of course the bed I was lying on. I sat down and tapped my foot impatiently, when the door burst open suddenly and a redhead entered. I gave her a small glare and she rested her hands down on the table and her mouth started moving but I didn't hear anything. She continued speaking but I still didn't hear anything and I freaked out. Then I saw she was holding a file and it's not like she'd bring her own down here so I grabbed it and quickly flipped through the pages. When I found what I was looking for I was shocked. My ear was blown off? I put my hand up to my ear slowly and winced when I felt the gap. Then I realized the red-head was still speaking. I cocked my head to the side. She appeared to have realized that I couldn't hear anything. A flash of sympathy showed through her eyes. I hated that so I scowled at her , but she instead of flinching the corner of her mouth curved up. She ripped out a piece of paper and wrote You got spunk punk but guess what? I'm from a government company that wants to recruit you and you are going to be my partner if you do. So what do you say? Nod for yes. Shake for no. And don't worry we're creating you a prosthetic ear and hearings aid not to mention you will be taught to read lips and understand sign language. I thought about it and then I decided there was nothing left for me in my normal life, not that it was normal so I nodded. She grabbed her paper and smiled. She beckoned for me to follow her. She led me through a series of corridors and into a huge control room.

Agent RiptideOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora