Chapter 2

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Curt Monroe's cell phone buzzed a feeling he was akin to as he was on call at the hospital. He shoved his hand through the pocket space of his white coat and grabbed the device. The first thing he saw was the caller ID. "Mike Barnes? Haven't heard from him in ages." Curt wondered aloud as he pushed the green answer button, forcing a smile onto his face. "Mike, how are you?" He answered with more enthusiasm than he felt. The decorations surrounding him gave away the time of year.

But for Curt, Christmas this year didn't feel very joyful. Recently, his mood had tanked and it was all he could do some days to just keep his head up as he waded through what felt like endless quicksand. Between work and his personal life, nothing felt light at the moment. The past year had, in a sense, "sucked" as the younger kids would say. Just after Valentine's day, his finance had called off their engagement and left him high and dry. Cassandra leaving left Curt in a hard place emotionally and he just wasn't in much of a cheerful mood.

"I'm well, Curt. So glad you answered. Hey I know you might not have much time right now, but I've got a little proposition to run by you." "Okay, yeah, I've got a few minutes. What's that?" Curt asked, intrigued as he stole away down a quieter hallway in the hospital. "A few days ago I talked with my niece, Joy. You remember her, right? Well she's going to be coming up to use the cabin at some point next year. I was hoping you'd be able to check up on the old place. You know, see that it's still standing." Mike chuckled, bringing a smile and soft chuckle to Curt's face too. The memories flooding his mind. It had been so long ago, but they flashed into his mind like it was yesterday. Suddenly a rush of emotions surfaced. Curt cleared his throat. "I'd be happy to." Mike sighed in relief. "That's great. You still have your keys, right?" Curt shuffled his foot, kicking it slightly at the air. "Yeah, I do." "Okay, well I'll let you know when I have more info on when Joy will be there, but for now, thank you." "It's my pleasure, Mike. Glad I can help." Curt's phone buzzed with an incoming emergency. "Looks like I've got to run. I'd like to catch up more sometime, Mike." "Sounds good. We'll talk later. Bye, Curt. Thanks again."

Returning the phone to his pocket, he turned his attention to heading back to the Emergency Room. Rotations in the hospital were far from his favorite thing as they brought back all the feelings and memories associated with his brother's battle with cancer, but they also reminded him why he went into medicine in the first place. His brother, Alex, had been twelve and Curt fifteen when Alex was diagnosed with cancer. And while Alex had gone into remission a couple of years later, medicine was still near and dear to Curt's heart. He'd chosen orthopedics since that was something that had always intrigued him and he knew it was a specialty he could make a difference in.

Tonight, however, after Mike's call, he had something fresh on the horizon. Something was brewing and although at the moment, Curt wasn't sure what God was up to, he had something new to look forward to and quite honestly it stirred a bit of happiness inside of him that he hadn't felt for months. Curt pondered all the emotions as he worked through the random cases he had that evening and decided he'd let that settle for a bit.

The next months passed as Curt vowed and worked steadily to renew his relationship with God. It had been quite a dry spell, but he was ready to plow through the hurt and make way for seeds of new growth to be planted.

Winter emerged into Spring, with new flowers, and Curt's hope, both blooming again. God was definitely growing something fresh in Curt's heart. And while the pain and hurt of a broken relationship didn't just disappear, God spoke gently into this man's heart as he waited, prayed and hoped, faithfully keeping in step with God. Curt kept diligently working, and staying faithful to God's leading and calling on his life. As he did the hope in God's promises poured into his heart, evolving into something which led to a path of peace as he settled into God's will in a way he never had before. That peace felt so tangible, like Curt could reach out and touch it. It soothed his heart and brought light into his life.

Soon enough, though, the sweet days of summer were beginning to evaporate, as they did year after year. Still warm days were starting to give way to cool evenings. One evening, as he and Mike were ending yet another of their, once again, frequent phone conversations, the older man shared that his niece would indeed be using the cabin on the week of Labor Day. Curt looked at the calendar, Labor Day was literally just around the corner.

With Mike's help and input, his and Curt's relationship was growing deeper again. Curt had spilled a good chunk of his fears and hopes for the future to the older man. To which Mike had prayed for him and encouraged Curt to keep doing what he was doing, staying faithful to steward the things God had placed in front of him. God had been so good and Curt was grateful to have the older man as a mentor again.

It was late morning on the Saturday before Labor Day and Curt went up to check things at the cabin. Curt rolled down the windows on his late model pickup truck, the sun hitting his skin, warming his heart too. As Curt parked his truck, the lake's surface caught his eye; it glistened as it danced, almost as if it were filled with diamonds. The sky was crystal clear blue with just the slightest hint of cooler weather on the way. Curt stepped out of his truck, momentarily taken off guard by the clean air and sight of the cabin. It truly had been years since he'd set foot on the property.

He pushed open the door, a musty scent tingling his nose. He mentally calculated. How long had it really been since he'd been up here? Maybe five years?

The floorboards of the old cabin creaked as he strode in, catching his breath as he heard laughter, his mind briefly flooding with all the memories he had of summers around the cabin and lake. The memories teased at his emotions and more than once as he lifted sheet after dust coated sheet off the furniture he had to tell himself that he wasn't crying, it was merely the dusk tickling his eyes.

As he tidied up a bit, flinging the dust covered sheets into the air, he had a moment of true clarity. As the dust floated around, finally settling on the floor he could almost sense what some of his future looked like. He'd known for years that God had placed a desire of ministry in his heart, but medicine had taken a forefront passion when his younger brother, Bryce, had been diagnosed with cancer at the age of twelve. Curt had suddenly known exactly what he wanted to do. Become a doctor. And, though, as an orthopedic doctor, he might not be curing cancer, he was making a difference, and that was what mattered to him.

Curt swept up the remaining dust and glanced around the cabin, smiling to himself. It might not be the Ritz, but it would be perfect for what Mike said Joy needed - a quiet place to rest and reflect. Through their conversations, it sounds like Joy was burned out and in need of a true retreat. This would be good for her, Curt surmised as he went to lock up.

With one more look around to make sure everything was there that she would need, he said a prayer for Mike's niece. Through their conversations, Mike had shared a bit about her faith and the season of life she was in. Curt understood all too well. Which gave an added sense of empathy to his prayers for this woman.

Curt locked the door and headed for his truck. He popped the old truck in reverse, mentally deciding he would come back this evening after Joy arrived, mainly to introduce himself to her and offer his services while she was in town.

Windows down, Curt's heart felt light as his faith felt larger and spirit felt lighter than he'd felt in a long time. He smiled, unsure, but excited about what God was up to.

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