Chapter Three|Answers

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"Hop.. did you ever love him?"

El's question ranged in Joyce's head. She opened her mouth but no words were able to come out.

'I'm sorry if I overstep mom-. "

Joyce shook her head.

" No,sweetheart it's okay it just that question was sudden.. and I guess to answer your question.."

The older woman took a deep breathe and continued.

" Yes ,I did love him, actually I still love him . I guess my love for him really never died out from highschool."

" You dated Hopper in highschool,mom?!"Will jumped with excitement.

Both women turned to look at the young man in the doorway.

"Uh-..sorry I didn't uhm knock El-." Will stuttered.

"Don't worry Will,come here."El beckons him over.

When Will finally sat on the bed his attention shifted back to his mother.

"So you and the Chief dated ,mom?" Will asked again.

Joyce nodded but than realized.If she told the kids all about her past with Hopper they might figure out about Johnathan-.

"What was he like in highschool,mom?" El's words interrupted Joyce's thoughts.

Shit,too late now.

" Well Hop,was like any old bad boy in the 60s ,he smoked with me under the bleachers ,was on the football team and had a pretty large group of friends."

Joyce replied,she couldn't help but smile at the memory of how it was Hopper who was the King Of Hawkins High back then.

"Me and him we're best friends way before highschool , our friendship began in kindergarten .I still remember how we became friends .It was the first day of school and all the kid's went out to recess,I was frowning and pouting because of the skirt I had to wear .I marched up to the boys who were playing kickball and asked if I could join .Of course the boys laughed but I didn't care .I marched up onto the platform and ready myself to kick .It was Benny who had the ball , he started mocking me but eventually passed me the ball. I kicked the ball eventually and manged making it to third base. Afterwards Hopper shoved Benny towards me and made him apologize to me ."

Will and Eleven bursted into laughter.Joyce smiled it was a change from the gloomy faces the two have always had.

"Do you have any pictures of you and him when you guys were younger?" The two kids asked eagerly .

" I think I have one of us in our early twenties."

'Damn it,they'll definitely figure it out.' Joyce cursed at herself.

" Let me go get it." Joyce stood up and went to go fetch the picture.

"Wow , so that means Hop and mom dated even after highschool ."Will spoke.

" Yeah but didn't your dad marry mom when she was in her early twenties?" Jane replied.

" Yeah-."

Joyce opened the door again with the photos in her hand .This ended the conversation between Will and El .

"Here." Joyce smiled as she laid out all the photos.

"Wow mom you were really pretty back then-." Will said.

El shot him a look.

"A-and your pretty now too Mom!" Will quickly corrected himself.

Joyce chuckled and nodded in understandment.

"When was this taken,mom?" El held up a photo of Hopper kissing Joyce on the cheek and holding her closely .

That photo was taken before he told her about Vietnam .

"When we we're around 23-24 years old, he wanted to take me out on our last date ,before..well nam."Joyce tone sadden.

" Oh..we're sorry Mom."Will patted his mom on her shoulder.

"No,don't be sorry,baby things just happen like that." Joyce said in a matter of factly tone.

Her eyes shifted to the clock on the wall.

" Well it's getting late , you kids should head to bed ,and get ready for school tomorrow."

Will nodded and hopped off the bed.

" Night Mom , night El."

Joyce tucked El in.

"Night Jane, have a good night sleep."

El nodded and eventually dosed off.

Joyce headed back to her empty master bedroom.

"I wish you were here Hop.." Joyce muttered as she closed the door.

Little did she know down the hall .Jane was receiving visions.

Visions about a faraway icy land.

Visions about a chief we all know and love.

[Team]A Jopper Fanfic|Written By V. elvetCqkeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin