Chapter Four|Russkies

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'Three months,

Three months in this shit hole. 'Hopper thought bitterly .

He stared at the prison wall and sighed . To think he was so close to escaping that one night.


Hopper made eye contact with Joyce. Her eyes we're filled with tears as she looked at him. He turned around and saw a ladder . It was risky but he needed to take that chance . He would do anything for a chance .Hopper turned back to Joyce and nodded his head .

Then the keys we're turned, it was seven seconds before the machine would blow up. Hopper jumped down the ladder and saw a door that led to a small room. He quickly opened the door and hid behind the boxes .

The explosion went off , the floor began to rumble under Hop's feet . A few minutes later , Hopper could hear the soft footsteps of the small brunette women . His heart ached as he heard her sobs.

"I-Hop.." Was all she could choke out .

Hopper decided enough was enough he tried to stand up but apparently his shoe was stuck . Forcing him to stay put . He struggled to get the shoe out but it was too late .

The Russians

They found him.


A/N:Sorry for the short chapter , I wanted a small chapter dedicated to how I think Hopper dodged the explosion c:

[Team]A Jopper Fanfic|Written By V. elvetCqkeWhere stories live. Discover now