An owl came through the window, spreading its wings to slow itself, before landing smoothly on the arm of the eldest boy in the house. "Mum! It's our letters!" The boy shouted up the stairs and immediately three kids came stampeding down the stairs, with a woman attempting to stop the trio, but throwing up her arms in clear defeat.

"Is mine there?!" The youngest asked excitedly, holding out her hands towards her older brother, who was holding the letters above her head, and the eldest boy sighed, and hands her letter to her. The young 11 year old's hands were shaking so badly with joy, that she couldn't even keep ahold of her letter long enough to open it.

"Here Storm. Let me." The second eldest says, holding out his hands toward her, and Storm hands it to the kinder of her older two brothers, and he opened it quickly. "There you go." He said, as she looked up at him with adoration and gratefulness in her eyes.

"Thanks Sam." Storm quietly says, and then a cry of shock drowned out everything else that could have even tried to have been heard over the loud banging that was going on in the home of the Silverthorne family.

"Hey Mum!" The oldest cried out with surprise, and their mother walked down the stairs, her wand going in circles around her, as the dishes from breakfast cleaned themselves up and then dried quickly, before the cloth folded itself up swiftly. The eldest was holding up a badge with the words...

"Head Boy! Hunter! Oh my goodness me!" Their mother cries, hugging Hunter, who looked like he was being strangled by her massive hug. Only when he let out a grunt, did she, finally let him go from where he was being strangled and crushed by her hug. "My eldest boy. The Head Boy and a Gryffindor to top it off." She says, hugging him again.

"Hey Mum! Look." Sam holds up a badge of his own, which read "Prefect", which he probably shouldn't have mentioned to his mother just yet, because then she was immediately crushing him as well into a bone breaking hug.

"Well, I do believe that we have some shopping to do. So come along then, we'll have to go to Diagon Alley, should you wish to get everything you need before the rush flies down before we can get there." Their mother says briskly, as immediately the house became a flurry of activities.

Storm was nearly being lost in all of this madness, when Sam scooped her up into his arms in a playful manner. "Sam!" She shouts with fake terror, but really it was all glee in her tone, as he'd run up the stairs with her hanging onto him like her life depends on it. He placed her onto her bed and helped her drag the trunk out from under her bed.

"Children!" Their mother called up the stairs, and the group of four met their mother in front of the fireplace, and they each took a handful of Floo Powder in hand quickly.

"Diagon Alley." Hunter spoke clearly, as he dropped the powder, and he was swallowed up by the green flames of the Floo Network. Sam steps into the fireplace after the smoke had cleared from his brother, and he looked out straight ahead.

"Diagon Alley." He spoke in the same fashion as his elder brother, and disappeared in quite the same fashion. Then Freya, the third born sibling, gently pushes Storm into the fireplace with the nudge of someone who wanted to get going.

"Diagon Alley." Storm murmured, and dropped her own handful of powder. She came out coughing in Madam Malkin's, and her brothers were waiting for her, and she smiled at their surroundings.

"Come along my dear. We'll just get you fitted for your Hogwarts robes, and then off you'll go to explore Diagon Alley, as all gifted young witches and wizards will at some point in their joy filled lives while on the way to their first year at Hogwarts."

Madam Malkin spoke briskly, but with a kind tone in her voice still.

Storm looked at her with a small, nervous smile on her face, as she got herself fitted for her robes in silence. Madam Malkin sent her on her silent way, robes tucked under her arm, and her other hand holding a medium size sack of money.

She opened the door to Ollivander's, and the older man was standing there with a boy, who looked as if he was a bit lost in this world around him. "Well, go on then. You've got much stuff to do Mr. Riddle." Ollivander said and the boy took his wand, walking out quickly, as Storm was stepping to the side to avoid getting knocked into.

"You must be the youngest Silverthorne child." The wandmaker states, as he went to start choosing wands that could possibly work for her, and Storm nods slightly in response to his correct assumption of her identity.

"Try this one, child. Pine wood, 12 inches, dragon heartstring."

He says, and she gently picks it up and waves it. A plant pot shattered, and he took it quickly away. "Oak wood, unyielding, phoenix feather, 7 inches." Ollivander gives her the wand and then quickly pulled it from her fingers as a lamp exploded.

"Tough one." He mumbles to himself and handed her another wand, which she waved, and the entire room seemed to warm up quickly, as a calming wind seemed to blow over the shop of the old wandmaker.

"Like your siblings, you seem to have a fierce loyalty to your close friends, treating them as if... they too were also blood family. Blackthorn wood, with a unicorn hair core, 10 and 3/4 inches, unyielding flexibility. Good luck on your Hogwarts journey, Miss Silverthorne." Ollivander says, as he took the money she had given to him, as she walked out of the wandmaker's shop and was met with her family.

"Happy late birthday." Hunter says with a small smile, handing her a stack of books, that Storm staggered while she tried to hold them up, along with everything else in her hands. Sam laughed quietly, before he was handing her a bag to put all of the books and such into. She smiled at Sam and then was sticking her tongue out at Hunter, who grunts.

"This is your real present." Their mother says, looking at the boys with a chiding look on her face, as she handed Storm a cage with a Great Grey Owl inside of it, and Storm was smiling at her mother immediately, as she hugged her tightly. "Come along then you lot. Your father will be home soon, and he'll want to look over the new books like always, you know." Their mum says, as they walked to the Leaky Cauldron to go home.

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