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Storm was headed to the Great Hall for breakfast, with Shauna chattering her ear off the entire time, at least she was until someone else was walking a bit quickly to catch up.

"Take an easy Shauna. It's still her first official week remember?" Sam's tone of voice was mischievous as he'd walk next to Storm who looked happy to see him.

"I'm not going to overload her brain with information. Although, knowing her family, you lot can take in a lot of information without realizing." Their mutual friend insists and by then Sam was laughing at her, but was, nodding as well.

"So, what's your first class?" Sam asked, as they walked into the Great Hall together.

"Charms. Transfiguration. Defense Against the Dark Arts. Flying." Storm recited.

"I didn't ask for your entire timetable." Sam complained, but his voice was joking as they walked into the Great Hall.

After breakfast, Storm walked quietly into the Charms Classroom her bag on her shoulder, slung over it so it would not fall off.

Professor Fortinbras was already in the classroom and first year students from the houses of both Ravenclaw as well as Slytherin.

She swiftly found a seat in the corner and she sat down, as her bookbag was being hung around the chair now that she sat in.

"Is this seat taken?" She looked up at the voice to see Tom Riddle standin' in the isle, standing awkwardly, between desks and benches.

She looks around swiftly at every other student in the classroom, who had already taken their seats. "No one is sitting here." She said quietly as he almost smiled at her, almost.

He quickly placed his books down with a slightly loud bang and he looks around, and every student was lookin' over at him now.

Storm's eyes blazed up sharply as a surge of unfamiliar protectiveness as for a person, and she looks around at the other students.

Then her pupils slowly turned, from the ordinary black to a piercing gold, as she let out a growl.

The other students looked at each other, fear beginning to creep through them and they quickly, intelligently began to avoid looking at Tom Riddle or the youngest Silverthorne.

Storm's eyes had faded back to their normal brown and she shrugged as he sat next to her. "However, did you do that?" He asked and she looks at him.

"What did I do?" She asked and he looks at her in surprise and a bit of disbelief, but the shock was swiftly gone from his face, when Professor Fortinbras swept into the room.

"Good morning class, I am Professor Fortinbras." The professor swept into the classroom and walk rather swiftly to her desk. "My class will teach you a great many things, but you must all be prepared to practice and learn them. I wouldn't want any injuries, accidents, or anything of the sort to happen here yes?" She asked and the class nodded.

"Today we will be focusing on one of the most elementary and important of the skills to learn for young witches as wizards. Levitation." The witch began.

Storm leaned somewhat slightly onto the desk so that she could hear better, as well as showing her interest in the aspects of learnin' more of any and all things magical.

"Please take out your textbooks and turn to Chapter 1, turning to number Page 5, titled, Levitation."

Fortinbras continued to speak onwards, as she paces a bit in front of her desk, as she continued, to speak to her class.

"Now, to show you the correct way to accomplish the correct way of making this charm do what is suggested, here is our demonstration for today."

She holds out her hand in acknowledgment to the back of the classroom, and Storm turns around as the other students did as well.

Sam stood in the back of the room with a bunch of feathers around him from destroyed pillows.

"It had to be him." One of the other Ravenclaw students spat out as Storm glared at the student, her eyes blazing up with sudden anger.

Then she turned back to Sam after feeling his gaze on her. She looks into his eyes as he shook his head at her as his eyes looked emotionless at words.

She dipped her head slightly in a nod as he pointed his wand at the feathers and exhaled. "Wingardium Leviosa."

A second later after he performs a swish and flick movement, that the majority of the students had bothered to read about in their first lesson that was happening now the feather began to float through the air and going soon toward the ceiling.

The class began to clap and some of the Slytherins began to cheer, joined only by Storm from among all of them among the Ravenclaw students.

The other Ravenclaw students only just sneered at Storm, who focused on Sam, who now had eyes of steel that focused solely on the Ravenclaws, as a low growl echoed around the room.

Tom turned to Storm, who shook her head as she nods at her brother and a second later, Sam's eyes had began to glow a piercing olive green.

He followed her gaze to his Prefect's eyes and his eyes widened in curiosity and interest. "Your eyes were glowing, golden yellow." He whispered into her ear as Sam's eyes faded back to brown and he nodded.

"Enjoy the rest of your classes today and I hope you will find the joy of our school to be exceptional and with that a enjoyable experience to you all." He said, and then he swiftly walked, from the room, and the class quietly packed up their things with their homework.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2021 ⏰

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