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One by one, the Silverthorne siblings went through the barrier, with Hunter going, then Freya, then Storm, and finally Sam followed with their mother. Storm looked around at the Hogwarts Express with her face all smiles, as she'd walk onboard as her siblings loaded their things, and then helped her without question, as her things were almost taller then she was.

She fed her owl, which she had named "Thunder", an owl treat, before bringing her bookbag with her, going to find a compartment. Sam was with his one Slytherin friend, who seemed to be in a bit of a mood, while the rest of his house stayed as far away from him as they could.

Hunter was already patrolling the hallways of the train, and he'd ignore her, when she attempted to ask her eldest brother where Freya was. "I don't know, where she is! Go ask Samuel! Your near endless questions are interfering with my work as Head Boy. Merlin's Beard!" He snapped at her, and she would walk away, shaking very slightly at his harsh tone but not being nearly noticeable enough, for anyone to be talking to her about it.

After a few minutes of very unsuccessful attempts to find either Sam or Freya, and not wanting to go back to Hunter, even if she could get his 'important enough' attention she'd just be walking to the nearest apartment that didn't seem to be exploding with noise from all sides.

She knocked on the glass door, and the boy inside looked up at her. Storm narrowed her eyes, recognizing him a little bit, from when he had almost knocked her on his way out of Ollivander's in Diagon Alley. She opened the door, and he put his head back into his book again.

"Can I sit?" She asked, and he shrugs in a cold silence, and so she sat. She pulled out "A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration" by Emeric Switch, and began to read in silence. She looked up at one point to see him looking at the Trolley Witch's Trolley full of food, and she'd smile a bit at him. "Come on." She says, and he raised his eyebrows.

"Anything from the Trolley, my dears?" The Witch would ask, and Storm pulled out a few galleons and quite a few sickles from her pocket, and the boy's eyes widened at her handful of money, and she'd look at the Trolley Witch.

"As much as this can buy if you please. I'm quite hungry." Storm says with an only slightly mischievous look in her eye, and the Trolley Witch took the money, and left a whole bunch of sweets behind, as the boy's eyes widened at the sight. Storm smiled slightly at him, and he'd look up at her. "Go on. I'm not really that hungry anyways." She says, as he'd eagerly begin to dig into the food in front of them.

Storm had eventually begun to eat as well, and the two were now on a sort of speaking terms with each other now. "I'm Storm. But most people just call me little Silverthorne." She says just after she had learned that he was on his way to his first year at Hogwarts as well.

He tore into a licorice wand quickly, and chewed fast before swallowing it. "Why do they, I mean most people, just call you little Silverthorne?" He asks, as he stuffed his mouth with a fairly huge Pumpkin Pasty, and she chuckled quietly at his interest.

"Because I have three older siblings, who are in separate houses, and are all in different years at the school. My eldest brother, is Hunter. He's in his seventh year is an extremely prideful one of a Gryffindor, and the favor child of our mum. Sam is my second oldest sibling, known only as their snake to most people, but to me... He's my favorite brother. He's a fifth year Slytherin, and is one of the favorites in the family to our father. My sister Freya is our Hufflepuff, loyal to a fault when a member of our family is in danger of getting into trouble. She is in her third year and I'm younger then her, therefore making me both the youngest, and gives me the name of 'little Silverthorne', by all of their many friends." Storm says with a slight shrug of indifference as she'd bite off one of the legs of a chocolate frog.

"My name's Riddle." The boy mumbled around a huge mouthful of licorice wands, and Storm raised an eyebrow at him in question, as she'd look at the chocolate frog card in her hands. "My name's Tom Riddle. I prefer Riddle." He muttered as she'd look up at him again.

"All right. Riddle it is then." She says, holding out her free hand for him to shake, and he shakes it quickly. "Nice to meet you Tom." She says jokingly and he'd only glare at her with a icy look, that could kill if looks indeed could kill ever.

"All right. I was only just joking. I'm sorry." She says, her eyes widening at the look on his face. 

Then with absolutely perfect timing, Sam stuck his head into the room, and Tom's expression instantaneously switched to one of surprise rather then anger. "Hey you two. We're almost at the school now, so I suggest you go change into your robes." He says already wearing his own, which included his Prefect Badge, and the crest of Slytherin on his robes.

"Was that Sam?" Tom asked, after the Prefect had walked out of the compartment, letting the door shut behind him. Storm nods quickly, as she smiled at her brother's back as he walked to another compartment.

"Anyways. You heard him Riddle, we should go get into our robes, so that we don't end up looking like fools in front of the entire school. But also, so that my eldest brother doesn't yet again, having an excuse to scream at me." Storm says, as she looks at the mess around the compartment they had made.

"Oops." She mumbled, as she walked away to go change into her robes.

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