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The first years all walked into the Great Hall, varying displays of nerves on their faces, while a few select students, such as Tom and Storm, held their faces completely still, and Storm had a lot of experience, having three older siblings, at holding her emotions inside.

After quite a few people had gone, Storm looked at her siblings, which was difficult for her, since they were all,at different tables. "Silverthorne, Storm!" Professor Dumbledore says, and Storm's eyes were widening quickly, as she sat on the stool resolving to keep her face completely still, no matter what house she was placed into.





"Traits of all the houses my young Silverthorne, traits of all four of the great houses. Your siblings... they are in every house but one. Where should I put you?" The Sorting Hat asked in Storm's mind, after nearly 4 minutes of thoughts coming from both the Hat, and the child who was wearing it.

"RAVENCLAW!" The Sorting Hat shouted out to the crowd, and the Ravenclaw table was all standing and clapping wildly in delight. They cheered loudly, and a few of the more enthusiastic ones began to shake hands with her eagerly along to endless chants.

"WE GOT A SILVERTHORNE! WE GOT A SILVERTHORNE! WE GOT A SILVERTHORNE!" The entire Ravenclaw table was screaming, and Headmaster Dippet waved his hand through the air for a loud silence and hush came over the huge table at once.

"I understand that you are excited about your new member of your house, but please. Let us move on. So that the rest of the first year students, may at last be seated and sorted." Dippet's voice was calm, and the rest of the students except for one had been sorted.

"Riddle, Tom!" Professor Dumbledore says, and as soon as the Sorting Hat hit his head, it had the answer for him. Instantaneously almost at once.

"SLYTHERIN!" The Slytherin table erupted into cheers at once at the announcement, and as soon as Tom had sat down, Sam was shaking hands with him, and the others were all smiling at him.

Storm nodded at him, as she turned to the food on the table, and the feast had just as soon begun, all of it. "So, what did you all mean by we got a Silverthorne? I never knew that I was so special." She says, and her Prefect snorted at her words, as she ate a pumpkin pie.

"Preposturous. You little Silverthorne? Special? I don't think so. We're just glad that we've finally got one of your blasted family in our house. Even Slytherin bloody hell, had one of your blasted a bit family before we did. Even if we've got the weakling we're glad having one then none."

Storm looked down as her Prefect spoke down to her, as her siblings at once, seemingly as a group, all looked up to stare at her Prefect, who had been daring to insult their baby sister with insults such as that.

The Prefect had noticed the hush around her, and the rest of the Ravenclaw table was cowering in silence, as shadows were falling over her food and the table. She looked on her left, and Freya stood there, her eyes cold. Looking to her right, she saw Hunter, his eyes the exact same. Then in front of her, from the side backing the Slytherin table, was Sam, and his eyes were the scariest in the whole lot's.

"I won't... I'd never..." The Prefect was stammering, as the three older Silverthorne children continued to stare her down, until the Prefect had successfully managed to begin crying in a earnest fear, to get four bowls of soup dumped onto her head, and managed to be laughed at now, in complete earnest by everyone including Storm now, albeit very quietly as she did so.

"What was that?" Storm asks quietly to a third year Ravenclaw on her right, as she'd gotten both her composure, as well as her breath back from the extreme laughter at the misfortune and well in hand deserved and dealt out punishment of the Ravenclaw Prefect.

"We all call it 'The Howl'. It used to be just Hunter and Sam, before Freya or I showed up, they used it to help students who were being bullied by the older students. Then, after Freya and I showed up, they helped her use it as well, and now they're the 'Wolf Pack' of the school. I only assume that after Hunter leaves next year, that you'll take a place in the Wolf Pack with them. I am Shauna. Shauna Ollivander."

Shauna shook hands with Storm, who was nodding. "So my siblings are the three scariest students in Hogwarts?" She questioned, as they turned back to their food once again, and a kid farther down the table nodded.

"Of course they are! Once Hunter leaves, you'll take a place in the Wolf Pack as well! You'll be a legend like your siblings already are around here." The boy says to her, eagerly shaking her hand and introducing himself as Erin Cooper soon after.

"I didn't think that I'd become a legend who was noticed on her literal first night by everyone. I thought that... Well, I just thought that I might be the unnoticed one of my family. The one who is overshadowed by her siblings. Completely." Storm mumbled, and after everyone was all good and finished with the magnificent feast, they were dismissed to go back to their houses together.

The scared stiff Prefect led them out of the Great Hall, and waiting for Storm, was the rest of the Wolf Pack. Shauna opts to stay behind to help show Storm, where the Common Room was while the rest of the house continued on.

Storm, by force of habit, hugged Sam first, and he smiles at her, while Hunter snorts obnoxiously, and they heard the Professors all coming towards them, and Sam released Storm, and he walked towards the dungeons to the Slytherin Common Room. Freya nudged Storm's arm with hers, before running after Sam.

"Stay out of trouble Storm, would you?" Hunter scoffed at her as he spoke, and Storm flinched at his tone, as he walked up the stairs, away from them. Shauna put an arm around Storm as they'd walk together, up towards Ravenclaw Tower.

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