3. Fragile, Little Girl

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"Y/n, this is Yoongi." You politely smile at him. "Ah! So he's the one you haven't stopped talking about?" He blushed heavily. You could clearly tell that he liked her. "Don't make it seem as though I like him or something," Zoey said grinning like an idiot. Yoongi had a sad look in his eyes after he heard that.

She looked at her phone to check the time. "Where the hell is Asher?" She asked looking around the theme park. "God he's late to the first date! I seriously don't like him." You said arms crossed over your chest.

"I'M HERE!!!" A male's voice said behind us. You and Yoongi rolled your eyes. Zoey's eyes lit up with happiness. "Sorry, I'm late. I just didn't want to see your friend who clearly hates like me." He kissed her on the forehead.

"I don't hate you." Asher sighed in relief. "I just don't like you." A frown came across his face and you smirked. Zoey grabbed his hand and dragged him over to a rollercoaster.

You looked over at Yoongi. "Don't worry, they'll be over soon. Then you'll have your chance." He smiled at your kind words. "Let's go and not enjoy this double date."


Here you were cuddled in Asher's arms as you cried. Nothing good came from last night. No one was ready for what came. "He's an idiot for what he did," Asher said holding you tighter.

"I know...it's just...we we're used and he said it straight our faces." You cried harder. Asher tries to calm you down. "I can't believe I used to be friends with such an asshole."


Before you started crying

"Let's be honest," Yoongi said nonchalantly. "The both of you were used." You started shaking. "The only reason I was ever with you was because I wanted to get closer to Zoey." It broke your heart that he was being serious.

Everyone looked at you expecting you to say something. Instead, you stared off into oblivion. Asher stepped in to talk for you. "Then why did you scream her name while having sex?"

Yoongi himself didn't know the answer to that. "I don't know." Jin looked at your shaking form. "Let's go Yoongi. That's enough."

He looked your way. "Why? Did I break the fragile little girl?" You snapped out of your thoughts hearing those words. The fuck?! Fragile little girl?! "What the fuck did you call me?" You gave him a look that scared everyone in the room except him.

"I called you what you are," Yoongi said smirking. You walked so close to him to the point where there was barely any space between you two. "You have no idea what I've been through." You said looking over at the source of pain in your life.

"If Zoey were to stop being your friend where would you go?" He asked mocking your bravery. "I'll answer it for you. You would have no place to go."

You scoffed at his statement. "I don't need her. She has been the source of my pain since middle school." You pushed Yoongi hard. "And you know what?" You asked finally letting a tear fall down your cheek.

"I've been trying to get her away from my life since you came in." You pushed him again. "She has been crawling back and disrespecting me." You pushed him with all the force you could muster.

"All it took was me sleeping with someone to realize the way she was treating me wasn't right." Your watery eyes landed on Jin. Yoongi scoffed. "None of that is true." There is no way he still believes that Zoe is an angel.

"Fuck you, Yoongi." You turned to the silent girl at the back of you. "And fuck you too. I'm done with being your shadow." Zoey covered her face and ran upstairs to her room like a drama queen. Yoongi followed her and you looked at Jin.

You let out a deep breath. "Thank the two of you for never taking Yoongi's side." You said wiping tears from your cheeks. "Yoongi may be a brother to me but I will always call him out if he's in the wrong." Jin gave you a reassuring smile.

"Well, I just think he's an asshole." Asher got you to laugh through your tears. You said goodbye to Jin and went into your room.


"WAKE UP FAT ASS!!!" Asher yelled into your ear. Being half awake you were still able to crack a joke. "I know I have a fat ass, but did you have to wake me up like that?"

He chuckled. "Get up and help me pack your stuff." You hesitantly rolled out of bed and he gave you a stick of gum. "Nah, I'll just go and brush my teeth like a normal human being."

You walked into the hallway to see Yoongi cornering Zoey in front of her door. She spotted you walking to the bathroom and pushed Yoongi out of the way.

"You're usually sleeping at this time." You rolled your eyes, thinking it's too early for some bullshit she was about to throw at you. "Yeah well, Asher woke me up early." She furrowed her eyebrows. "Why?"

You took in a deep breath and breathed out. Turning to her you said. "I meant what I said last night. I need you two gone from my life." Zoe's confusion grows. "What does that have to do with Asher waking you up early?"

You facepalm yourself. "I'm moving." You turned back around walked into the bathroom.


"Is that the last of the boxes?" Jin asked and you nodded. You looked at Yoongi who didn't want to pay attention to you but eventually did.

You walked up to him smiling bitterly. "I'm sorry for pushing you last night." You said taking the first step. "I just hate when people belittle me." He nodded. "I shouldn't have been that rude." He said shyly smiling. "I wasn't ready to talk about it, so I lashed out."

Zoey skipped over. "What are you two talking about?" She asked clearly happy that we could communicate with each other without fighting. "Nothing." You sighed out walking over to Jin.

"Alright, time to go move in with the person that complimented me on my ass this morning." Once again, Asher laughed. "Would you stop going around saying that."

Why the hell is he looking at your ass? Yoongi thought and finally decided to ask. "Did you guys ever date?" You and Asher laughed. You thought back to what was a fail of dating between the two of you. Then the kiss came into thought and you shivered at the thought of it.

"We tried and it was a fail," Asher said laughing. Yoongi looked shocked and even angry. "And you two are going to live with each other?" You look at him with a playful look on your face.

"Why? You gonna miss me?" You said blowing kisses at him. He turned visibly red. "You don't think that it's weird living with an ex?"


"Don't you think things may happen between the two of you?"

"We'll just be friends with benefits in that case." You said shrugging your shoulders. Asher looked at you shocked that you would even say that. His mouth parted ajar. "What? It's not like you haven't seen me naked."

Asher's mouth closed and he smirked. "Seriously though, let's get going." You said walking over to the car. "Wait!" You looked over at Yoongi who wanted your attention. "I didn't mean most of the things I said last night." He said with his head hanging low.

"I know." His head flew up and you winked at him. You hopped in the car and Asher drove off to your new, shared house.

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