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Yeo Changgu

The car started to move immediately as Yanan commanded his driver to do. I don't even bother anymore to just call him Yanan this point.

Something feels off and I can't put my mind in it. I must say that Yanan is handsome and all but... He kinda looked familiar. I didn't suspect that it was him because the Yanan in my highschool years has an annoying attitude and was one of the jocks. He stole women's and men's hearts as he just breaks them all like no big deal. That Yanan was a playboy. I can't say that its him because this Yanan is... classy to say at least?

Yeah, he does come off creepy and horny like what he did to me earlier. I've never expected someone to act like this since he is a CEO of a big company.

I stared at the blank space as I started diving deep in my thoughts as Yanan clinged to me very strangely. I didn't notice because I was too deep thinking.

Nostalgia hit me like a wave as I started to recollect those memories. I did have a moment with that Yanan.


*Changgu's flashback*

It was the time I hated in school, Breaktime. I immediately put away my stuff as I rushed out my room, looking left and right as I was being careful. I don't it to happen again.

I rushed to the men's restroom safely, without bumping into them. I sighed in relief as I entered. The restroom was empty too. Great.

I looked at myself in the mirror. The black eye was there but it seems like it was fading. I washed my face with the remaining makeup I put on to hide it. I dried my face with my towel as I looked at the mirror again. It was more evident now since I removed my makeup.

But I was glad when I saw it wasn't as drastic as when I got it from that stupid bully. I sighed as I held my tears in. Why was I too weak to do anything to stop it.

I grabbed my makeup and started to apply it at the black eye. It still hurts as I pat down the cushion at the black eye to cover it. But I managed.

"I think they're not in this area now." I said to myself as I tidy myself one more time. I took a last look as I fully covered it. I was satisfied as I looked at the time: 11:45 a.m.

I stepped out of the restroom. But as soon as I did, someone grabbed my arm with full force that I was sent flying towards his direction. It took me long to process since it all happened in one go.

"What the fuck?" I blurted out as my body met the floor. I groaned in pain as I looked who did it. My eyes turned from angry to scared real quick. Oh no, how did they know that I'm here?

"Hello Changgu." He greeted as he walked closer towards me. I sat down and backed off using my legs.

"Why are backing off Changgu? I just wanted to see your face." He said while acting innocent as I felt legs behind me. I looked up to see his men stopped me as they both kicked me hard towards their boss. The kick was hard enough for me to get closer to him.

I lie down on the floor, bearing the pain as I felt weak. I have fresh bruises on my back now and I can definetely feel it.

"Darling, look up." He said as he held my jaw and forced me to look at him. He looks handsome as I stared at his eyes, and this is the problem with me, I admire him too much and now that he know, he started to play with me.

"Why are you doing this to me Seonghwa?" I asked him as he just snickered, laughing at how pathetic I look. He just stared at me as his grip on my jaw gets tighter that it hurts.

I winced in pain as I held his hand and tried to pull his hand away, but he held it tighter, making me tear up as it hurted. I feel like he dented on it.

"Don't touch me, you fag." Seonghwa said harshly as he threw me to the side, making me hit the hallway wall. I felt empty after that. I became numb as he picked me up and pinned me to the wall.

"You know. You are beautiful. But, what will happen if I put more bruises in your body, will you still be beautiful?" He asked as he punched my body repeatedly as I just cried silently, not letting any sound come out.

"Wow, what a resilient guy you are-" Before he could throw another punch, someone jumped onto him and beat him up to a pulp until he passed out. I heard his friends scrambled as they ran, completely scared.

I looked at my saviour and my eyes were delighted to see his face. It was the school's hearthrob, Yanan.

"Hey, are you okay?" He patted my cheeks as I processed everything what happened. I stared into nothing.

Recollecting myself, I felt pain all across my body. I put my back against the wall for support as I tried to sit down properly.

"Changgu, let me send you to the infirmary." Yanan offered as I subconsciously agreed. He put my arm around his nech as he helped me walk to the infirmary.

As we walked down the hallway, few students talked among themselves and were shocked to see me look like shit and I was with the school's hearthrob and playboy, Yanan.

We reached the infirmary fortunately without someone following us. But I'm sure this event will be known later when I get out this room.

The nurse saw my terrific state as she told Yanan to get me on the bed immediately. He carefully carried me bridal style as he put me on the infirmary bed. I felt softness around my body but the pain was still there.

Yanan stood there, looking worried. Why would he be worried in a low class person like me? Things just doesn't add up. He was the playboy who breaks people's hearts so I was confused to why he is being serious right now.

"Dear, can I talk with you for a moment?" She called Yanan as he immediately nodded, making their way at the other room.

Now that I'm all alone, I took the time to think. Why is Yanan doing all of this? Why does he care? Will I be his next play toy?

Thoughts swarmed in my head as I tried to silence it now, but I was quickly drowned by them. Doubt and fear were the ones that made me feel like a burden, making me shed tears.

"Changgu?" Yanan opened the door and called me. I didn't move or spoke because I wasn't feeling to do so. He just sighed and entered the room, taking a seat beside me.

"Why do you care?" Were the words I immediately asked him so that everything will be clarified. He just smiled at me as he ran his through my face down, stopping at my beaten up body.

"Does it still hurt?"

*end of flashback*


"Does it still hurt?"  Yanan suddenly asked, making my train of thoughts stop. I looked at him as he fell asleep on my shoulders while his hands are wrapped around my waist.

I got goosebumps, he can't be...

꧁ꕥ ❃ ⌯ ⌘ ═ ⌘ ⌯ ❃ ꕥ ꧂

Trash i know 😖

Anyways, we got Changgu's history. Now what?

🛍️ | TBC

•DCed• |《Mellifluous Boss》| YanOne Where stories live. Discover now