Introduction to Sorrow

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Whispering soft like a breeze

in the rain,

he broke my heart

with his first word.

Though, he never meant to.

He was too shy.

But then,

so was I.

On every day, but especially that one.

And why not?

He was my


I would find him in

every world until the end

of time.


NOTES ON THIS: In my youth, I was introduced to a slightly older cousin of a friend. I was, of course, instantly smitten. He was kind and polite, and we both developed a long and lingering crush on one another. He was quiet and brooding, gentle but brave. He was a sort of "distant gentleman" who watched over me and defended my honor, but did it from afar. Being a young and naive girl, I imagined that he would naturally be the love of my life. Oh, the lessons we learn...

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