part one

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listen to "Une barque sur l'océan from Miroirs" on repeat for a better experience while reading.
part one

"My dear friends, if I learned anything from my late husband, Don Mateo Marino, it is that this hotel's guests are part of our family. That is why I wish to share this happy moment with all of you."

Everyone in the spacious dining room turns towards my smiling mother. She is clearly relishing the attention.

"It is with great honor that I announce the engagement between my daughter Emilia, and Don Leonardo Bonito. Leonardo was my husband's right hand man for many years. He already is as close to our family as one could be."

The glass in my hand seems to shake as my mother continues to speak.

"Emilia, my dear." She turns around and raises her drink. My eyes glisten but I try for a smile, just to please her. "Leonardo..." She turns to face him. "I know you will be very happy together."

I can see Leonardo's satisfied smile out of the corner of my eye.

"To your health, happiness, and most importantly, success." As I raise my glass along with everyone else, I resist the urge to rise and slap my mother across the face. My mother turns to the audience of guests, nodding and beaming at her successful announcement. The guests clap as I force myself to sip my drink.

"Bravo, bravo!" An obnoxious voice bellows from the back of the room. "Bravo, I say, bravo!"

Everyone in the room turns around to see my, most definitely drunken, elder brother, Niall, hollering like a lunatic. He exhales a large puff of cigar smoke. He is the only one still clapping. "Congratulations!" He slurs loudly.

My mother, carefully concealing her rage, calls, "Maestro, please." Music begins to play and the guests part like the red sea for my mother to stalk down the steps and scold my brother, leaving me alone with Leonardo standing at my side.

He turns to face me and holds out his hand. I acknowledge him and resentfully let him lead me down the stairs. Without saying a word, he guides me to the dance floor. I feel uncomfortable with the way he's looking at me as we silently sway. But with my eyes on the floor the whole time, Leonardo stops our movement.

"Are you feeling alright?" He asks, not unkindly, but as if he's fulfilling a duty rather than truly caring.

"Yes, of course." I lie.

As he opens his mouth to reply, my mother, evidently finished with her lecturing, intervenes. "Leonardo, my dear, won't you dance with your future mother-in-law? With Emilia's permission, of course."

Without a word, I let Leonardo release me, and I walk away. A servant offers me horderves but I ignore him and don't stop moving until I feel the cold stone of the terrace railing beneath my fingers. I rest my forearms on the smooth surface and look down to study the ring on my finger. All things considered, it's a beautiful jewel, but wearing it, knowing what it means, makes me feel like throwing up over the side of the terrace, into the garden.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't think anyone was out here." A voice from behind makes me jump. I turn around to see a young man walking towards me on the balcony.

"I was just taking in some air," I explain.

"I understand, I don't like crowds either." He chuckles. I straighten up and smooth out my dress. "I suppose I should congratulate you," he says.

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