part two

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part two

The teapot warms my hands as I pour its contents into cups and place them aside. Beside me, my sister Bella reaches for the milk, and my brother Niall rambles on.

"I was not expecting news like that." He says. "I never thought you'd fall for ol' Leo," Niall takes a quick swig from his pocket flask. "You could have just about anyone, but you fall for him?" He begins to talk about how I could invest in male prostitutes but I interrupt him.

"Niall, I'm not interested in that sort of thing."
He sighs before throwing down his napkin and carelessly rising from the table. "I'm going to bed." And with that, he stumbles from the room, his mouth never leaving the flask in his hand.
I sigh and replace the teapot. So far, evening tea is going great.

Just to give myself something to do, I take a sip of my tea. I want to enjoy myself on this lovely night, but the weight of my engagement hangs over me, pulling me down. Finally, I look up at my sister. "Bella, did you love Zayn when you got engaged?" I ask her, placing my teacup gingerly back on the table.

Bella looks over at me from the top of her cup. "He had everything I could want in a husband. He's a respectable man from a good family, the father of my unborn child." She explains. "What more could I ask?"

"Nothing." I shake my head.

She sighs. "I'm not like you, Emilia."

I think for a moment, trying to find the right words. "I never thought I would marry someone like Leon."

"Why did you accept him, then?" She questions.

I look down at my hands. They look pale, but it must be the lighting.

"Emilia, you'll have to be with him for the rest of your life. You ought to be sure."

"I am." I lie, my pale hands growing cold.

"No, you're not." She insists.

"Bella, I have to." I counter, my voice nearly breaking.

"Why? Because of the announcement? Mother can say it was his fault you broke it off. Everyone will believe her. You know that." She places her cup upon the saucer in front of her. "Emilia, Leonardo is nothing without the Marino family and this hotel."

I feel tears stinging my eyes and I can't seem to get enough air. "But we are nothing without Leonardo."

"What do you mean?"

"I have to go." I stand abruptly, picking up the hem of my dress. The sound of my heels clicking across the floor fills the room.

"Emilia, I'm your sister," Bella says, her voice pleading. "I know you. You won't be happy with someone you don't love."

I reach for the door handle. She's right; I won't; I can't.

"Don't give your happiness up. It's too precious."

My glossy eyes meet hers.

"You won't be happy, Emilia. Don't do it."

A tear slides down my cheek as I open the door and hurry into the hall. Telling myself to breathe deeply, I make it to the lobby.

Before I can gather myself completely, a man dressed in a suit, holding a hat, stops me in my tracks. "Excuse me, I have an appointment with Doña Izabella. I have some photographs for the paper." He explains.

As it is my duty, as a host of this hotel, to take care of all guests who need assistance, I invite the man to sit with me at a small table. I shuffle through the black and white photographs, analyzing them thoroughly.

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