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Me and Todoroki have been getting closer, and he's been opening up to me a lot more, it's nice.

It's currently a Saturday night, and my dad.. he isn't home.. I don't know where he his but it doesn't concern me. I had work today and Todoroki gave me company, as well as a very large tip. My pain killers have been acting up, they wear off a lot quicker.. it might be me over working myself though. I train every morning with my quirk, and I do laps around the beach every other night. Like tomorrow, I'll do laps. I need to build my stamina, but it's been hard.

I haven't had an appetite for a few weeks, so I haven't been eating much, I mean I'm clearly fine because I can still run around and stuff, I've been trying to remember to stay hydrated- "it'll help my heart", the doctors say. It's a lie though. Because it won't help. But it's whatever.

Kacchan.. no.. Katsuki. He wanted me to not call him kacchan.

I don't see him around often.. just during classes and lunch, and sometimes I don't even go to lunch because of his unnecessary comments. And I don't really eat either, again my appetite is dull.

I usually sit on the roof if I can, and Todoroki joins me sometimes. It's been really helpful, having him around. And even then I've been.. starting to well.. I like him.. he's nice, and he helps a lot, even though he doesn't know much about my home life, it feels like I've known him for a while, even though it's only been a little less than a year.

Yesterday, at lunch Todoroki and I are on the roof of the school.
I had glanced at him and gave a light smile. "You ok?", I asked him, he was just.. staring at me. "Yeah..", he sighed and looked away.

At first I though something was wrong.. because he was tense..

"Is something wrong?..", my smile had faded, and I became concerned.
"No.. just nervous", he gave a small chuckle.
"Whys that Todoroki-san..?", I leaned towards him confused, and of course worried, at the time I didn't know if he was ok, nor why he was so tense...

"Ah.. well actually..", he pauses and looked at me, dead in the eyes, he's blushing.. it was a light blush though.. hard to catch...

"I really like you... and I was wondering.. if you'd like to go out with me?.. like on a date.. even if.. we may not be soulmates..", his voice was shaky.. as if he was ready for rejection.. like he did g have a chance... but he did.. and I'm really happy I said yes... because he's the nicest person that I have ever had in my life... even if it's only been a day.. despite him not being my soulmate... he really feels like the one..

I plastered a smile upon my face, my cheeks were burning from my blush. "Yes.", I smile more. "I.. I'd love to be with you.. even if we aren't soulmates. Besides.. n-not all soulmates are meant to b-be together",

I couldn't help but reassure him. And during that moment I was already so flustered.. I was just speaking whatever first came to thought..

He hugged me tight, and his warm embrace kept me safe. "I'm so happy", he muttered out. It made my heart flutter.. if that makes sense.

He pulled away and cupped my cheeks. "It's official?", he asked.

I nodded watching his happy, and excited expression.
It was cute..

He kissed me upon with nose, a small light peck with his soft lips.

I blushed profusely. I didn't think that he'd kiss my nose, much less that his lips would be so warm and soft.

"Soft..", I muttered as the bell rung.

I panicked as we lost track of time.

Todoroki pulled away from me and stood holding his hand out to me. "Let's hurry", he said.
I nodded and grabbed his hand as we walked to class.

I was kind of flustered and embarrassed a bit to be holding his hand.. not that I'm embarrassed of him.. just that we're two guys.. holding hands.. not.. that that's bad..

We walked in class as we parted ways, he walked to his desk as I went to mine. We weren't late, but we weren't early either.

But that's how my Friday went... after school we went on a small cafe date.. and then we walked around the mall and he got me a small all might keychain.

Todoroki has been helping me with basic combat, as well as Aizawa sensei. It's been really helpful.

I'm especially grateful to have my boyfriend.. and a good teacher... and I have Mitsuki that helps me get my medication, and I have my job.. that helps me get out of punishment at home.
Everything.. has been looking up for me...

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