Chapter 6: Maybe I Do

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"Here" I spoke, handing the towering man a piece of clothing I'd found in my crates from the other room. He reluctantly reached for it as he stared in wonder. His eyes moving from the cloth to my own. I gently let go, leaving him clutching the fabric in his hand. No words were spoken as I watched him unfold it and hold it up to process that I'd handed him a pair of sweatpants.

I'd grown tired of staring at his flawless form, but having it interrupted by the destroyed cloth that almost loosely hung around his waist. It was burned, dirty, and had plenty holes to show the struggle he'd dealt with on Mustafar. It was best for him to not wear that as a reminder of the past..... and the sweatpants were far too big for me, so I was almost certain they would fit him nicely.

"Change and throw the old ones away." His eyes studied mine as he heard my command. A strange look overtook his face. I couldn't tell what he was thinking or feeling, but I knew he was responding to me making him change. I'd become intimidated by his hard stare, though I hadn't known why it had bothered me so much. He wasn't angry, I knew that much, but it still made me feel.... insecure.

I blinked a couple times, not breaking our eye contact, as I subconsciously gulped. I wasn't prepared for him to smirk as he watched my nervous movements and he lowered his hands to really feel the fabric. His eyes had finally disconnected with mine and looked at the pants again. "Thank you" he announced.

I wanted to let out a sigh of relief, but had decided on holding it back as to not show I was holding my breath.

"I was getting sick of these things" he reached down to fiddle with some strings that hung from one of the holes of the damaged piece. He looked back up at me and I'd suddenly become aware of myself as I slouched a bit, staring at him in awe as he performed such small actions.

I straightened my spine and my muscles tensed as his gaze made me realize all of my flaws. I cleared my throat and tried my best to think straight as I gave more instructions. "There's a bathroom around the corner. The door next to the silver room that we were in before." He watched as I turned, my body stiff from how nervous I'd suddenly become.

I was thankful when I heard his metal footsteps walking in the direction I'd mentioned the bathroom to be in. He got the hint. He was definitely smart. A smart and handsome man. How had I managed to come across someone as extraordinary as him? How had I been so lucky as to have him within my grasp?

I heard the door close and I finally sighed, grateful to be alone at that moment. Only a short time would pass before I was enveloped in my own thoughts, my eyes zoned out onto the wooden floor.

'What's happening?' That was the question I kept repeating to myself. Really, what was happening? Everything that had begun to happen was so strange. I was so used to being alone, yet always on the move, searching for Obi-Wan. The fact that I was no longer binding myself to staying on the one task of searching for my uncle was surreal in itself. Now I was bound to this planet with a ridiculously gorgeous creature trapped here with me, not to mention that this man is a conflicted Sith who's capable of making me angry, insecure, and excited all at the same time. How can a man make a woman feel so much in one day?

He'd been passed out in that silver room after I found him on Mustafar. It had taken two days before he finally woke up. I'd went in there every few hours to check on him... and every time I did, I found myself staring a little longer each time. It was like I'd never seen anything so magnificent. Of course he would wind up proving to be as beautiful in personality as he was in appearance. Now he can make my emotions worse. That's fine. The effect he had on me was worrying. It peeved me to think that he could become my weakness when I had begun to believe I had none. Then I'd feel confused as to wether I should let him go to keep myself strong, or make him stay here to keep myself humble. Oh, this man, this Anakin. What was he doing to me?

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