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"WHY ARE YOU LATE AGAIN MR. CHOI?" my manager aggressively asked me. I just shrugged him off and put on my suit.

"ONE MORE LATE ATTENDANCE I CAN CUT OFF YOUR MODELLING CAREER" he said as the stylists rushed to put makeup on me.

"Fine then, so I can focus on my career as an engineer" I said and huffed. He glared at me and was about to say something when I cut him off.

"This will be my last runway and I'll move to HNY agency, pay me for this last show and I'll walk out" I said with finality in my voice.

I actually wanted to leave this company because they send me off to so much runways, that I have neglected my work, my friends, and even my ex-girlfriend whom I loved the most.

"No Seungcheol" he said in his defense but I shook my head multiple times to say I am done.

After the tiring runway, he immediately transferred five hundred thousand dollars in my bank account as we signed a disclosure agreement.

"Seungcheol?" he called me in as I was to leave the office. He gestured me to sit down so I obliged.

"Sorry about these past years that I was mistreating you, I just see so much potential in you, you even made a name for yourself" he said. I smiled warmly at him and gave a pat on his shoulder.

"We've been manager-model since 2016, I gladly appreciate that you found me and claimed me as your gem but I now realized the bigger picture, and that is to always chase your dreams" I said and walked out of his office, with a heavy burden lifted up.

As I was walking towards my car, I received a text message from an unknown number.

+82 xxx xxxx xxx
Is this Choi Seungcheol?

Yes it is, can I ask whom this is?

+82 xxx xxxx xxx
I am Manager Kim Doyoung from HNY agency, you can report to me tomorrow. Please save this number.

➭ Saved as "Manager Kim"

Okay sir, I'll be there tomorrow.

Manager Kim
Drop the formalities, I am one year younger than you.

Oh hahaha. Have a nice day then, Doyoung.

Manager Kim
Same to you. Be there at 3:00 pm.

Yes, okay.

I hopped in my car and fled myself back to my apartment. I wanted to trash my place again since I don't have neighbors to bother.

Before going straight back home I stopped by a convenience store to buy some Soju and tteokbokki to call it a night.

But I was wrong because as soon as I got there I saw Miyoung and a guy talking to the landlord. Shit, don't tell me?

I sat in the car for a bit while waiting for them to leave and as soon as they got in the guy's car, I immediately parked in the parking lot.

"Good evening Mr. Choi" the landlord greeted me. I bowed as response and smiled at him while handing an advance payment for the next 6 months.

"You'll be having a neighbor soon" he said and nudged me. I rolled my eyes and unloaded the car.

"So that means I won't have someone to bother?" I said and huffed. He chuckled and gave me a pat on the back.

"She'll definitely make you shut up, the girl's pretty" he added and smiled at me. I glanced at him.

"Yes, because she's my ex-girlfriend, the one I kept on telling you about" I said. He was in a state of shock as I eyed him.

"I can cancel her request to move here if you want?" he offered. I shook my head and smiled at him.

"No, I can handle it don't worry" I assured him and was about to go upstairs when I turned around to look at him.

"So when's she moving?" I asked him.

"Next week, I think? I'll update you" he said and waved goodbye to me as he hopped in his car. I sighed and entered my apartment, opening the lights.


𝐘𝐔𝐀𝐍𝐅𝐄𝐍彡𝐒𝐄𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐎𝐋Where stories live. Discover now