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I didn't want anyone to get hurt.

But I really want to have Miyoung back again in my life. It feels weird to have empathy for Yuta but I want to have Miyoung back.

"Hey, what got you into deep thinking?" Miyoung asked as she placed the tray of fruits in front of me.

I timidly smiled and held her hand. She sat beside me and gave me a kiss. Even if I got her back, why do I still feel empty?

"Something bothering you?" she asked again. I shrugged and continued working on the project for the Japanese temple.

Maybe I'm just scared to confront Yuta? He's the architect assigned to me and I'm scared of how he'll confront me.

"Nothing really, just a bit stressed out" I lied in front of her. She took that and just sat there, lazily playing with my hair.

Why do I feel scared? Isn't this the life I wanted? Why am I scared of Yuta anyways?

"Hey babe, let's eat out to clear my mind just a bit" I said and got out my car keys. She agreed and put on a brown cardigan.

It's been a month after that incident but why do I still care about it? Yuta and Miyoung weren't even together.

I ordered up some food and cleared my mind. I don't want Miyoung to worry about me. She clearly doesn't need to worry anyways.

I just overthink sometimes and I'm scared of how this mindset might take the wheel and kill our relationship.

"When's your flight to Japan?" Miyoung asked. I cleared my throat and smiled at her.

"Next week, I'll be there for 6 months to say the least" I said. I already told her that but she's scared for me.

"Don't worry, you'll still be the one that I'd return to" I winked at her. She giggled and flicked a finger on my forehead.

"Ow, why?" I asked. She just grinned and playfully traced her fingers. She's trying to talk me into marriage again.

"And when I come home, I promise I'd put a ring on your finger" I once again said and smiled. She quickly grabbed my cheeks and squished it.

I'll promise to build you a house, and have our own family. We'd have two kids and enjoy our lives until we die peacefully beside each other.

But for now, let's live in the present and prepare for the future. It's better for me to forget about the past and just carry on. It's all that matters now.

𝐘𝐔𝐀𝐍𝐅𝐄𝐍彡𝐒𝐄𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐎𝐋Where stories live. Discover now