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I did not sleep last night. Whoever the fuck my neighbor is, his voice IS SO FUCKING GOOD.

I'm not convinced that it's Hoshi's brother. He doesn't sound that good. Maybe it's the friend?

I could listen to his voice all day long. It's like the lullaby that sent me to sleep every night back then.

But my neighbor really is noisy as fuck. Who drinks and sings at 11 pm to 4 am?

"I need to make some brunch first and then go to sleep" I told myself. As soon as I opened my refrigerator, it was empty.

A box of expired milk. Two carrots. An egg. A water bottle.

"Shit" I cursed under my breath. I looked at my bank and decided to deliver some groceries to my front door instead.

While waiting for the food, I decided to clean up a bit. It was already 2 pm and I hope that I can at least sleep.

The food came in. I sat down and ate it all up. After cleaning my mess, I lied down my bed and fell into a deep sleep.


What the fuck? I haven't even gone to Dreamland yet and here he is, singing to Bangtan's Save Me.

"Okay, this shit is driving me crazy" I said as I stormed outside my apartment to confront him.

I was ringing the bell but of course he can't hear me. This is my dream apartment, but as they said, you can't choose your neighbors.

Grunting, I head back to my apartment and decided to contact Hoshi instead. We don't talk that much anymore, but maybe if I asked he could help me.

the ex
lmao sorry for suddenly disturbing
but is your brother's friend okay??
isn't he like disturbing your brother?

wait, I'll ask him

the ex
sure sure
i'll wait


"SAVE ME SAVE ME SAVE MEEE" I really enjoy singing along to BTS' new songs while working on a project.

Modelling isn't my top priority. I didn't waste 4 years of doing engineering shit to just pose for a camera.

As I said, modelling is just my side job. Today, I got an e-mail from one of Japan's richest businessman, to take part in a project.

I was busy doing the project and booking flight tickets when suddenly my phone rang.

"You wouldn't believe who texted me" It was Hoshi from the other line.

"Hmm, who was it?" I asked, seemingly unamused at his voice and audacity to interrupt me.

"Oh, it's your ex" I immediately dropped my pen and paper as I took my phone inside my bedroom.

"Why'd she text you and not me?" a shrill laugh rung on the other line. I pouted and creased my forehead.

"You're just an ex, how dreamy of you to think of her to reach out after all the things tha–" I immediately turned my phone off. He's gonna rant about my past acts again.

After ignoring my ringing phone for over an hour, I finally picked it up.

"Not cool Seungcheol" he said. I lit a cigarette and drank some banana milk.

"Just tell me why she texted you" I said as puffs of smoke exited my nostrils.

"She asked you to shut up, or else she'd discover that my 'brother' isn't the one renting the apartment" I immediately hung up upon hearing that. Shit.

I was about to turn off my music but then an evil plan came across my head.

One day, you'd come complaining at my door, snatch you up, and make you my wife.

𝐘𝐔𝐀𝐍𝐅𝐄𝐍彡𝐒𝐄𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐎𝐋Where stories live. Discover now