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THEY ARRIVED AT THE SPACE PORT, lined up like those groups in sci-fi movies. Although it was cool to be travelling to space, she did wanna avoid Johnny at all costs.

"That's not a problem" Lucy thought, he did avoid her for so long, she was sure that he could do that again.

They walked in the ship, a bit nervous.

"ETA until cosmic event; nine hours." Victor said, leading the group along the hallway.

She was beside Johnny and Ben, trying to avoid eye contact and be quiet.

"If you're good, maybe next time Daddy'll let you drive." Johnny smirked.

"You keep talking and there won't be a next time." Ben retorted.

They finally reached the end of the hall in a large circular observation room.

"We can monitor the cloud's approach and observe the tests from here." Sue said as she and Johnny walked to their places.

"Is it safe?" Lucy looked down.

"The shields on the station should protect us." Reed explained. Lucy shrugged going to her place to finish the filing work and sort out some information.

"Should?" Ben smirked.

"What's the matter, Ben? Getting paranoid at your old age?" Victor taunted walking towards them.

"Let's start loading those samples. Get your suit ready, Ben." Reed said, trying to switch the conversation up a bit.

Lucy stayed quiet despite her small grudge for Victor.

Ben was walking away before Victor tried trying more of Ben's patience.

"So I see you're still doing all the heavy lifting." Victor leaned against the railings. "Maybe your should have stayed in the lab. Field work never suited you." Victor muttered loudly.

"He does the talking, she does the filing, and I do the walking. Got it?" Ben walked up to Victor.

"So take a walk, Ben." Victor said with a low voice. "Actually, if you'll all excuse me, I need to borrow Susan for a moment." Victor stood up from the railings. Sue looked at Victor confused but obliged anyway.

If that was his jab at Reed, it wasn't working.

"Sure." Reed muttered as the three walk away.

" Reed muttered as the three walk away

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