G2 - Part 2

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I closed the door as Lance left for work, sighing against the doorframe. I wished we'd had longer to enjoy each other, but I knew we were lucky just to be sharing the same bed every night.

I crossed to the kitchen and picked at the leftover bacon with a fork, eventually tossing all the remaining food into the trash. Lance never missed an opportunity to cook for me. It was nice that he treated me so well, but it made me feel bad that I never did anything for him. I made myself a promise that I would do something for him when he came home from work. I imagined all the things I could do for him...

My phone buzzed on the countertop, stunning me back to reality. It was from an unknown number.

Unknown: Keith, meet me in the back room of Kolivan's ASAP. -K

I assumed 'K' stood for Krolia, my absentee mother. She hadn't made contact since my race against Lotor, and I'd begun to think she had lost interest in being a mother.

I quickly showered and changed into some leathers, then ran downstairs and hopped onto my bike, speeding to Kolivan's bar. When I arrived, I saw a few bikes outside, most notably, the badass purple monster I'd seen Krolia with at Race Night. In the daylight, I could see the word 'Tex' in large letters across the side - in memory of my Dad.

I smiled and headed inside, nodding at the bartender - someone I hadn't seen before - and ducking into the back room. Krolia lounged on the couch next to Kolivan. On the other side of the room stood Zethrid and Ezor. Axca sulked in the corner, refusing to look at anyone.

"Keith." Krolia said when I entered, standing and coming over to hug me. "It's so good to see you again."

"You too." I mumbled. This was only my second time meeting her properly, so it still felt a bit awkward, but she was my mother.

"Come, sit down." She said, beckoning me to a chair. "There are some things we need to talk about."

I obeyed, sitting in the chair and folding my arms over my body. I waited for someone to explain what was going on - the room was silent for a good thirty seconds before anyone spoke.

"Get it over with, Krolia." Axca grumbled from her corner, thumbing her phone screen. 

"Right." Krolia sighed, looking at me. "Keith, firstly I just want to properly introduce you to Axca. You know her already, but...she's my half-sister. So, she's your aunt."

"Before you ask," Axca snapped. "Yes, I knew. I couldn't say anything though. Your mother begged me to keep her identity secret. I'm really sorry. I wish I could have told you-"

"Secondly," Krolia interjected before I could react. "I wont be in town long. I'm only here to...well...to invite you somewhere."

I paused.

"Invite me?" I mumbled. "Where?"

"I'm taking a little road trip with old Kolivan here." She punched her old friend's arm. "I thought it might be nice for you to come along. You can even bring your dog."

"Uh..." Leave? So suddenly?

"Think about it." Krolia said firmly. "We leave in four days. You have my number, so let me know what you decide."

"Wait..." I spluttered. "How long will we be gone? A week? Two?"

"A month..." She yawned. "Maybe more. See where the road takes us."

"A month?!" I laughed. "You have to be kidding! I cant leave town for that long!"

"Why not?" She replied. "You don't have a job right now, as far as I've heard. It's perfect timing."

But Lance... I thought. I would have to leave Lance behind for over a month. The thought made me woozy.

"I...uh...I need to think about it."

Krolia nodded.

I excused myself and headed outside, lighting a cigarette. It was an impossible decision...stay with the boyfriend I loved more than anything, or abandon him for weeks just to spend time with a mother who had abandoned me for most of my life. Could I do it? Could I ever leave Lance behind like that? I knew if I spoke to him about it he would tell me to go, tell me to get to know my mother...but the thought of not seeing him...it broke my heart.

Stay...or go? I had four days to decide.

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