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(A/N: to @Milky_eyeballs I am SO SORRY!!!! I accidentally used the same picture for Aries as you did nooooo forgive meee!!!)

Virgo POV

I stood in front of the school, looking on my phone as I waited for school to start. I was waiting for my friends in particular... 

"Virgo! Is that you?" 

I spun around and there was one of my best friends, Gemini! "Gem!" I said happily. Good, there were friends here. 

"How was your summer? Did you have fun? What did you do? Anything interesting happen? What what what?" my purple-haired friend was bursting at the seams with questions. I laughed. "Well lets see, I told my mom I was bored and then regretted when she insisted we have motherdaughter time, which apparently involved watching a bunch of sappy soap operas," I said as we walked into the school. Mom had enjoyed it. Me, not so much. 

Gemini winced sympathetically. "Aww, that's okay." "Hey, at least I learned something from them!" "What in the world could you possibly learn from a soap opera?" "How not to act around your crush!" Our laughing was cut short by a shout. 


"Think we can guess who that is," Gemini said, grinning. 

Every head turned towards the entrance to the school, where brown-haired Taurus stood, waving enthusiastically. "Look the other way, people," she snapped at the staring students, before rushing towards us. 

"Brace yourself," I said, half hoping that she would choose to greet Gemini first, but no such luck. Taurus ran down the hall and knocked into me with a very strong hug that nearly knocked both of us over. "Oops, sorry!" she apologized cheerfully, then proceding to knock over Gem. "What's your schedule, Hope we're all in the same classes!" 

"Actually," Gemini said, examining her schedule. "I think the principal put us all in seperate classes for a reason..." 

In unison all three of us groaned. "But wait!" Taurus held up a finger. "We all.... have GYM together!" she grinned wickedly. "I am so ready to destroy some boys." 

"I believe you," I said. 

She, Gem, and I had been friends since elementary school, all of which I had witnessed Taurus beating up bullies, attacking teachers for being unfair, and also losing her temper. That was because she had two very different sides, which we nicknamed 'Light or White Taurus' and 'Dark or Black Taurus'. Everybody liked it when she was 'light'-easygoing, placid, sarcastic, and humoruous-but everybody also ran when she was 'dark', because you did not want to try a dark taurus! she'd become stubborn to the point of attacking, short-tempered, rude, violent, and cruel. Dark Taurus rarely happened at maximum full, but still, the short number of times she did go all out gave us a very healthy quatity of respect for that.

"Okay," Gemini was saying now. "My first class is-" "All of our first classes are Homeroom," I interjected. "What room?" "210," she answered. "219," taurus said. "And 203 for me," I finished, frowning. "Yeah, I think you're right. The teachers definietly do not want us together." Taurus sighed, drooping. "Is it my fault I broke that kid's nose last time because he was insulting you?" Gemini patted her back. "It's not your fault, he deserved it." 

The bell rang. "AHH NO I'M GOING TO BE LATE BYE-" and Taurus was gone. 

"See you later," I told Gemini, and went off to room 203. As I went there I passed a yellow-haired boy...



 Scorpio POV

Zodiac High SchoolOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora