Group Two's Antics

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Nobody POV

"I honestly have no idea why my mom likes white rice so much," Virgo commented as they walked into the (what do they call shops that sell cooking supplies again?) "I mean I swear she eats ten giant bowlfulls of it every day." 

"Well, I mean, rice is pretty good," Cancer mused. "I wonder how it's made..."

 Pisces stopped and stooped over and picked up a frying pan. He flipped it around in his palm for a few seconds, weighing it. He nodded. "Yep, this one's good. Now I just hope that I don't dent it again, because this-" he pointed to the price tag. "Is seriously pricey. Oh, and on the rice thing, I prefer fish, even if I love them." 

The rice cookers were situated right next to the pans, so it only took Virgo a few moments to pick out the perfect rice cooker. It was pink and had white flower designs on the edges. "Perfect! My mom will love this!"

Virgo turned around and was greeted by the sight of Cancer and Pisces having a fierce stareoff.  

"You do realize that, by eating the things that you love, you're technically un-loving them?" Cancer demanded. 

"Excuse me, what do you know about hard-loving something?" Pisces fired back. 

"I have a full batch of crabs back home that I love, for your information!" 

"Well, I have two entire tubs full of my fishies, for your information!" 

"Uh-huh! Well, just how much are you willing to pay for them?" 

"Millions! What about you, huh?" 

"Forever and ever! You can't argue with that kind of adoration, can you?" 

"Oh, you bet I can!" 

"Bring it on, wimpy!" 

All the while Virgo was standing between them, frantically turning her head from one person to another. "U-um, please don't argue....!" 

The two ignored her and kept arguing. Now they were shouting. 

"I don't think you could take such good care! What do you do for the fish when they die, huh? I bet they die every day because of your bad treatment!" 

"Excuse me, I'll have you know that I have personally buried them with a handmade gravestone every time they have died! I even have a fish cemetary!" 

"Oh yeah? Well, I take such good care of my crabs that they never die! Never!" 

"Yeah, I'll believe that when I see it! Impossible!" 

"FYI, my oldest crab has lived far longer than any fish of yours could!" 

"Fat chance! Prove it to me!" 

"Prove to me, dunderhead!" 

Virgo was still trying to the calm them down when she let out a small cry of fear when she saw who was stalking up behind them. "U-um, behind you...!!!" 

They paid her no attention. 

"Who are you calling dunderhead? I have much better insurance than you-" 


Too late, they turned around and yelped. 

Taurus was stalking down the aisle, dark mists hanging around her, her eyes glowing red. Her hair was completely black and was floating around her ominously. She still carried her accessories. 

Pisces gulped. "U-um, hey, Taurus..." 

"TOO LATE!!!" 

Taurus charged madly after them. 


A few moments later, Taurus exited the shop with Cancer in the other arm and dragging Pisces behind her. Virgo followed, trying to pick Pisces up while holding their purchases. 

"Geez!" Taurus growled. "I can see you're all out to make me extra pissed today!" 


Yep... hooray. 

Moving on to the next chapter... 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2020 ⏰

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