An Epic Sleepover: Part One

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No one POV

(A/N: it is now Friday. It's a 3-day sleepover, during the day they have fun and go out and stuff. And I think I decided for Leo and Taurus to be together. THIS MAY CHANGE.)

"Wow," Capricorn said, gazing up at Virgo's enormous, modern mansion. "It is really spacious." "Told ya so!" Taurus said confidently. Gemini nodded sagely beside her. The trio all carried bags, all which were stuffed with all the epic-sleepover necesseties. Gemini had picked up Taurus in her car (it was her older brother that was driving) and on the way they'd glimpse Capricorn, who was being his usual idiot self and trying to walk to Virgo's house. 

Virgo greeted them at the door, where, even though Taurus and Gemini had been here at least once, still allowed themselves to marvel at the elegant marble staircase, sparkling chandelier, and overall very neat and clean entryway. 

"You're family's rich, right?" Capricorn finally asked. Virgo blushed. "W-well, it isn't usually something that I just toss out there..." he waved his hands at the glory around him. "And you call this not tossing it out there?!" "It's not like people are constantly walking in and out of my house," Virgo replied, looking slightly irritated. "Anyway, come on. My parents gave us the largest guest room when I told them about the sleepover. They're fine with it but told us to keep it... PG." At once all three of them groaned. "How unsubtle," Taurus muttered. "Very unsubtle. What do they take us for, immature high schoolers?" "Don't worry!" Gemini chirped. "How dangerous could a game of Truth or Dare be?" Or answering expressions said, VERY DANGEROUS.  

"Heeey! How's it going?" The three of them spun around and found Leo, still dressed in his 'resturant worker' uniform, waving cheerily at us. His bright yellow duffel bag was slung over one shoulder. The door was still open, so he stepped right in. "Leo, you naughty boy, why are you still in your resturant worker outfit?!" Taurus demanded, grabbing him by his collar and lifting him up, even though he was several inches taller than she was. "This is a sleepover, not some exquisite cuisine place!" she paused and the angry red light in her eyes died a little. "Though wait, you could serve us all food..." she dropped him completely. "Yes, that would be quite good. Though I definetly would turn down anything freezed-dried, burnt, rotten, or etc." She pointed a menacing finger at Leo, who stepped back. "You got that, lion boy?" 

"Wait, wait, calm down," Virgo said, tugging on Taurus's arm and giving Capricorn a look, because he was laughing. Gemini was busy admiring the smooth staircase to notice, though she had glanced up for a moment when Taurus had attacked. "My mom, actually, is making the food... so there's no need to attack Leo." Taurus huffed. Leo rubbed his neck. "Ouch. You have a strong grip, Miss Stubborn Bull-okay, okay, shutting up now, shutting up now!"  

"Man, the expression on your face is priceless!" Capricorn chortled. "Anywho, lead the way to our glorious room, Miss Rich Girl!" Virgo, to her credit, ignored him and gestured for them to follow her. "Come on, this way." She led them down a loooong hallway. As they passed the kitchen she called, "Hey, Mom! I'm leading my friends down to the guest room, now!" "Okay, honey!" she called back. "And keep it PG!" "MOM!" "Just stating the facts." 

Since Capricorn, Gemini, and Taurus had already heard it they didn't turn red like the first time, but Leo turned a bright red. "Ummm, oo-kaay... so she's one of those moms, is she?" Virgo sighed. "Yep." "Well, I love her," Gemini declared, surprising us all. "What? She's just being a mother, what's the harm in that?" "A typical mom that is embarressing her child," Virgo grumbled. Her mom then poked her head out of the kitchen, and they were all struck by how much she resembled Virgo-same light-strawberry-blond hair and warm brown eyes. "Thank you, Gemini, I greatly appreciate that." "You're welcome!" she called cheerfully back. Virgo rolled her eyes. "Let's just get going. Love you mom, see you later!" "Love you too-oh no! The dish is going to get burned! Byyyyeee!" and she disappeared again. "If you ever need help cooking I'm always heeeere!!" Taurus called after her. Leo chuckled. "You could always work with me at the resturant... as a chef." She narrowed her eyes. "Hard pass." Capricorn sighed. "I can just imagine a rainbows-and-unicorns-Taurus cooking in a kitchen, all motherly-like, and-OW!" Taurus had socked him on the arm.

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