Over A Cup Of Coffee

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You sat in one corner of the cafe, your laptop on and running, headphones on, and an ignored malted sat on your desk.

You were pissed off. You had broken up with your boyfriend almost a year ago, and had decided to fly solo, till you find someone worth the wait. Till you find someone worth the pain you had gone through.

Now, this ex of yours had clicked a few pics with your best friend and had tagged you in it.

"Son of a bitch", you thought.

But, you were in Seoul, right now , and getting annoyed by him was not on your bucket list.

You were here on a vacation to enjoy, not get frustrated if an ex tags you on Instagram.

So, you shut down your laptop after finishing your work, and played "Euphoria" on your phone.

You began to hum along, and, unnoticed by you, you were loud enough for the guy sitting two tables away, to hear you.

Suddenly, you looked up.

You saw a young, handsome, beautiful, familiar-looking face, staring at you, his deep brown eyes piercing into yours, as he sipped on his drink, a weird look in his eyes

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You saw a young, handsome, beautiful, familiar-looking face, staring at you, his deep brown eyes piercing into yours, as he sipped on his drink, a weird look in his eyes.

It took you a moment to realize that you were staring into Jeon Jungkook's -your first love- eyes.

You blushed and looked away, a shy smile on your face.

He laughed softly, but loud enough, that you could hear his rough, hoarse voice, cutting through the noise.

He got up and walked towards you.

Out of the corner of your eyes, you saw him sit down, opposite you.

"Hey. I have never seen you here.", Jungkook said, a beautiful smile on his face.

"I..uh...I am new here. I am y/n, btw.", You smiled and introduced yourself, pausing the song playing on your phone.

"Aish, I didn't introduce myself. Hi y/n, I'm the Golden Maknae of Bangtan Sonyeondan, I'm Jeon Jungkook", he ran his fingers through his hair.

You laughed .

He smiled at you

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He smiled at you.

You blushed and looked at your hands.

"I like you.", You said with a smile.

"Ah, so you know BTS.", he looked at you with red cheeks, as you nodded.

"I like you too. You're beautiful. I'm going to take you someday, when i am free.", he said taking your phone and typing in his number and giving it a call.

You were too shocked to say anything.

"I have to go", he glanced at his watch," I'll call you, as soon as I am free."

"Yeah, sure.", you forced words out of your mouth.

He touched your hand, sending a jolt of energy through your body.

"Bye", he waved his hand, while You acknowledged him with a smile.

"Hmm", you thought as you drank your malted ,"I'm stuck in my own dream".

(You reached your hotel and ordered pizza)


Your phone screeched.

You picked up. It said unknown number.
"Hello?", you said devouring a bite of your pizza.

"Uh, hi. We-", he stopped talking as he could hear you coughing, as you had chocked on our pizza.

"Shit! Are you ok?",Jungkook was concerned.

"*Ahem*", you cleared your throat,"Yeah, I was eating when you called. What's up?", you smiled at his concern.

"Hmm. Well, text me your schedule, so that I can plan something.", Jungkook said, in his deep voice.

"Okay, I'll text you, right away. Bye.", you grasped your head.

"Ok, bye.", Jungkook continued, "Muahhh".

"Ha ha, Byee", you disconnected.

"That was not a dream.", you said aloud, texting him your schedule, which was almost empty, except a few things like 'Visit Bongwonsa Temple', or 'Try Japchae'.

Jungkook texted you," Can we meet this Tuesday? We have a concert, you could come see us."

You read it and replied," We could, but tickets are all sold out"

"You could join us, and watch from the VIP seats.."

"Yeah, that would work out,"

"So, I'll see you on Tuesday?"


"Yay! See ya!"


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