I love you too.

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The day went past with you and Jin baking cookies.

You were in a bad mood, due to the fact that Pd-nim (producer) knew about it, and that your and Jungkook's love was probably falling apart.

At night, when everyone sat down to eat , Namjoon said that they have to practice for the concert for tomorrow.

"Y/n, you can come see us practice.", Jimin smiled.

You just smiled.

You went to bed early, while the others had desert.

You went and sat in Jungkook's room, thinking about their relationship.

You  had tears in your eyes.

You laid on the bed and were asleep in no time.

The others were still talking.

"I think the only way to stop rumors is making this something more strong. Like an engagement..I mean you could break it if you want...But to stop our fans from speculating things.", Taehyung.

"You have to think  a lot, Jungkook.", Suga replied,"Before proposing, because a person's heart is at stake.".

"Hyungs, you both are right, but....", Jungkook trailed off.

"Think, Jungkook, do you really love her? Or did you ask her out because you found her pretty?", Jin asked.

"I..", Jungkook was at a loss of words.

"Think, Jungkook. Do you love her enough to marry her? Enough to live with her all your life?", Namjoon asked.

"I am myself around her. I don't even have to make an effort around her.", Jungkook moistened his lips,"I...fell in love with her at first sight....I know i could spend my entire life with her..because she  is what i want, what i need, hyung..", he looked at his feet.

A few drops of tears rolled down his face.

"Aish, I never had imagined Jungkook would get married first.", Jin's eyes were filled with tears.

The rest of them laughed and smiled.

"So, tomorrow, you'll come with me to buy an engagement for y/n.", Yoong smiled.

"Hyung! I'll come too!!", Tae was excited.

"Ok..", Suga gulped down some sake.

"Good night..", Jungkook bowed at them, before turning to run to his room.

He gently opened the door and let himself in,"Y/n?", he whispered..

"Hmmm, the love of my life is asleep..", he ripped out his tshirt.

He saw your dried tears and wiped them of with his wet palms.

"I'll never let those precious tears fall down again..", he whispered softly.

He held you in your arms and fell asleep.

You woke up early and saw Jungkook beside you, sleeping peacefully, mouth slightly ajar.

You smiled and kissed his forehead, getting up yourself.

You brushed and took a bath, trying to contemplate what was going on..

While you were bathing, Jungkook had woken up and brushed his teeth, ready to go wedding ring shopping.

You were almost done showering.

Suddenly someone knocked on the bathroom door..

"Y/n??", Hobi asked.

"Yeah...", You said, turning off the shower as you were done bathing.

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