Shut up! I'm trying to sleep! Part 1

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Outsiders always assumed that just because a village is small the amount of people is just as tantamount to it.

 Naturally, I was no exception thus I left the mainlands behind and crossed the grasslands to settle down in this secluded village; far away from territorial dispute and conflict. Never could I've imagined that when I arrived in this village it would be like a mirage; at times it is just as he desired it and most of the other times it would reveal its true self. A harmonious village. A container containing bustling crowds like a city in the day and tranquility like the deserted mountains. Furthermore, this place has a reputation for being described as a woman, a beautiful country bumpkin whose talent is hidden behind a mask.

Awaking from his slumber he had this foreboding feeling creeping in his bones that he was unsure about. His mind constantly wandered back to it over his breakfast but no matter how hard he attempted to piece the puzzle together his attempts bared him no fruits.

The sound of knocking made him stop and look towards the door; unbelievably he was reluctant to open it as that foreboding sensation crept over him. Alas what could he do, it was his occupations key feature.  Stretching he walked over to the sliding door and pushed it open a crack.

One should know his only intention in life was to answer his door to those who needed imperative attention however he didn't calculate that somehow word had gotten out and by morning at least half the village was expecting him.

Honestly, he couldn't think to say if he was relieved not to see the population of the entire village or just too wearied out to care. It was truly as the saying goes, "祸从口出"

A/N: (Huò cóng kǒu chū. 'disaster from mouth exits') — Disaster comes from careless talk.

Sandwiched between the door and the inner walls of his infirmary, the physician couldn't help but twitch at the state his abode is currently in.

" Go lai, Go lai, the bamboo girl' waking up!' a villager called outside, perhaps twitching was an understatement as he began to shake ferociously and steam poured from his ears. He was a volcano on the verge of the eruption period as he glowered at the throng. 

" Wah... such beauty, it's so natural, and her skin is so flawless," a middle-aged woman gawped.

" It's the color of dirt, how is it flawless?-" , disdained the youth of the ripe age of twelve

" Be quiet! Who knows? She could be a fairy or deity from the heavens. Do you have a death wish, Huh?" a young lady scolded.

" Aiyo! Perhaps's shes from the far west??" a merchant from the market stalls, presumed.

The racket the villagers are producing surfaced a thought from the past, "How could the village people be at times? Sometimes I wonder why I decided to reside in such a place so long ago. Maybe this is Heavens' will. Still..., honestly have they forgotten my existence? This is my medicine store!

" Enough! Ask her yourselves after  I do some quick tests on her. Now... shu... shu. " he says as he randomly ushers a man standing next to him and his partners towards the door.

Half an incense stick later had passed, cautiously he closes the sliding door behind him letting a sigh escape him. He gave a look at his new patients' bed. Although he has certainly aged in the past several years that now silver streaks run through his tight bun, he could compare last night's events to this one and pick the former affirmatively.

Zhú xiágǔ village residents slept soundly under the thick dark blanket of night.

(A/N:竹峡谷 or Zhú xiágǔ means Bamboo gourd and is no highly particular village from China. In simpler terms, I just made it up. Also, I wanted to give people who are interested in Chinese a few simple words to start off with so I put the Chinese characters, pinyin and English translation there. Oh and I'm using Google translate, sad isn't it?)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2020 ⏰

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